Seems, I'm back on track... or am having an illusion, that I'm on track... Amazing thing, resilience... Actually... It's God.... 10 years ago, had I been hit from every angle, I'd be curled up in a ball, for days... or my mind would be... Today... like my thoughts have gently been persuaded to think... the last 2 months....'it is.... what it is....' 'Judge not... lest ye be '...
So... a fairly, normal day it was...
Worked in the shop, watered all the plants... I can't believe they were so thirsty... It's been like a Monsoon around here... Brandon came to visit... {house things} He scoured the shop, and unearthed some fun treasures... We headed out to pre-veiw a Farm Auction, near here... Duwa's Auction's, from Wellman, Iowa, is having it, today... It was so fun seeing it... I haven't seen a 'real' Farm Auction', for years... Now, they do machinery, at the Farm, and pull all the household, and antiques, to an Auction Facility... Not nearly as fun... Brandon was impressed.... I left a few bids with the Auctioneer, cause I can't attend, today...Dale is going to be there, I asked him to keep an eye out for me, too... Today, I'm meeting with Allyson... My dear friend, who took me with, to North Carolina, last year, and New Orleans, this year... I have some little treasures for her, as a small gesture of my gratitude... then we are jumping in the Mustang, and hitting shops... I think we're headed for Sisters' Garden, Barntiques, Rug Cottage, maybe Artifacts, and Decorum... Our wonderful 'Car Doc' Mark N. from here, in Fairfax, did a fantastic job, on the lil' Mustang's tune up... WOW... What a difference! I invited him out to supper, last night... I was also hooking up with Darling, Gail H., {John declined... I just brought wonderful Pizza home for him}... { we went to Leonardo''s so cool there... I wrote about it, months ago, "the boys are back in town"} We had a great time! These two, have done so much, for me, and our family... oh my... Good Folk... I love 'em... I shared a little of my 'Mary Todd' day, from the day prior... { my Old Friend, Julie, would listen to my daily event's, every morning, on the phone, over coffee... and after hearing all of the crazy details, in her, soft, low toned, intelligent form of vocabulary, would ask...
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln... How was the play?"... Oh.... Only, dear, sweet Julie... {see, my life has been a roller coaster ride...well... forever...}{ it's called a 'Journey'....}
I'm back, in 'Fast Foreword'... and, 'The Beat goes On'.... life... 'is, what it is'... And... I'm sill not smokin! It has to be God's Hand... I should not only, have been smokin' cigarettes... I should have been eating them, at every meal!{ along with every 'Snickers', and 'M&M', I could lay my hands on...{ I have stayed away from them, too...}{ I will have to admit... the Gin and Tonic's, have been very good, on these very Hot, Sultry days.....} Oh my... As Gail, Mark, and I were talking, last night... We all agreed, we are all so very blessed... We're still breathing... getting up, everyday... taking wonderful nourishment, surrounded by Folks, who love, and care about us... Life is Good...
Hope you have the most, Amazing Day... Filled with Muchness....
Barb C.
{ I decided, should I start smoking again, the Mustang goes... Sally is a pretty good watch dog...}
1 comment:
Don't start smoking again -- I promise, the urge will leave you. I'm jealous that you get to hit my favorite places (Rug Barn & Sisters) I'm not leaving your shop out but you get to live there. It is soooooo hot here today that I think I'm staying inside -- all day. Hope you have a wonderful day & I'll look forward to the pictures. Jan
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