Had a great time, tho, it was quite brief...{ had a very nice lady meeting me, and needed to be home...} Barb had called me on an Early, Walnut Stepback Cupboard, she was bringing in on Consignment... I love Walnut... Much of the earliest Iowa pieces, are made of Walnut... We had Huge Forests of it... The Amana people made so much of their furniture from Walnut. The more formal furniture...Beds, Wardrobes, Dining Tables... all of the 'finer' furniture... The work tables, and benches, were mostly made of Pine....{utilitarian pieces} They used a lot of Walnut, out east, too... New York, and New England... I think the early woodworkers loved using it...It is such a beautiful wood...Very nice to work with, the cabinet makers say...
The Old Cupboard, is probably 1840's to 1860's... and, I get the feeling, it is from here, in Iowa...or, at least, mid west.... The maker, tried very hard, to make it 'formal'...when I have images, I'll explain, in more detail...It is 2 pieces... the top is tall, and narrow... only 42 inches wide, and 10 inches deep... The doors on the top, are what stole my heart... each having 8 panes of glass... Not easy to find.... and the old glass is wonderful...{ Barb said one pane had been replaced... they did a wonderful job....} The base is very interesting, as well... very petite, with wonderful side cut outs, and amazing emerald shaped champhored panels... Someone, really worked hard, back in the day, to make this a very special cupboard, for someone, who meant a great deal, to them.......The crown is gone... but... as luck would have it... I dug around in the storage room, and found, theeeeee most perfect, 1870's, piece of crown moulding.... {see, now John gets mad at me, when I drag these old parts home... but when you are trying to preserve a piece, trim like this, is priceless!} I'll get images of it, when it's done... It could so easily become a 'keeper'....
Thanks to Barb O., for thinking of me... She said, " Do you ever get the feeling, you just know, when something has a certain persons name on it?".... My reply..."Ah, yeah... I do"...
Thanks, Sweetie...
Be sure and check out Park Place! There are several Great shops in Marion... Make an afternoon of it... You will have a Wonderful time! { Bring the Truck!}
Barb C.
Just what I need -- another antique shop to put on my list. You guys make it so easy for us to remember your names -- we'll just call everyone Barb. Would you talk to Sharon & Polly about changing their names. I'm headed back to look at your pictures closer.
Can't wait to see the cupboard...must be why I have the big ol' walnut trees in my tree row...them ol' Iowans knew a good thing when the saw it!
Take care friend!
Barb, I was so glad to see you! the cupboard kept calling your name. glad it all worked out. Great visit.
Looks as though we are going to be in for a little road trip and --- soon! Looks like a great shop. Thanks for sharing. Carolyn
Any word on Peg today>
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