This is Scout... He's about 1300 pounds... Just like the Kill Buyers like 'em... As long as we live, so does he... He will die here... He's family... Our neighbors give him an apple a day, and all of the organic grass clippings they have... I can feed him an apple, that I hold with my teeth, and he'll gently take it from me...{ I tried to have John snap a picture today, while I do this, but after 5 apples, and no picture... I gave up...}{ he couldn't believe I would let him get 'my' picture... for the 'cause', I'll sacrifice...}
Horses, and all God's Creatures, Great, and Small, are our Gifts...Sad....
I was drawn to a tiny
sentence, in my Streams in the Desert, just now...
"God will examine your life not for medals, diplomas, or degrees... but for battle scars"...
I hope all who read this, will always fight, for what's right... and step up to the plate, when no one else will... If you see an animal, or person suffering... don't point a finger, lend a hand...
God Bless...
Barb C.
My neighbors had many pets horses included and they all were there until the end...their will includes a claus that the farm can only be sold when the animals have passed. Nothing gives us such unconditional love than an animal...
Scout is one lucky guy to be so loved...he looks like a sweetie!
ok I like your horse but that picture of his mouth is huuuuge!
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