I purchased this gnarly lampshade, on our way back to the Mansion, last night...{we walk, everywhere.... miles and miles....} at 'Greg's', on Decatur.... Allyson carried the lamp, and I carried the shade... A man came swiftly up, behind us{ we had just came from Jimmy Buffet's, Allyson had annihilated a 'hurricane', then said, "I think they mixed it a little weak"....Now I know she's been hanging with me, too long....} Any way, he said, as he walked by...."I was going to tell you, I liked your hat, {I had the shade on my head for a few minutes...yeah, I had a few, too...} but, then I saw her carrying the lamp".... I guess we are fitting right in, here, in the French Quarter... As we were eating supper, we saw a girl riding her bike, down Canal Street, with an antique gesso frame, over her head, and under her arm.... We thought it was hilarious... I'd say we equaled that, by walking down the street, me barefooted,{ I have blisters} carrying bags, of stuff, wearing and carrying a lamp.... Oh Yeah, we fit right in!
Barb C.

O.K..... Would you expect, no less, from me... I found my New Orleans Souvenir, at a shop called 'Greg's'.... Greg is a very cool cat, and actually knew the woman, who created it... Becky Allen, who, he says is a well known character, here in New Orleans... She is an actress.... She, many years ago, used this large, plaster lamp, as a 'memory piece'.... She has all sorts of artifacts glued all over it's surface... Everything from pennies, to peacock feathers... Beads, and a giant Christmas Ornament, with an Angel, on the top... I had several folks want to buy it, on our long walk, back to the Mansion... But, no dice....It reminds me of my 'Major Award'....Only in New Orleans... oh, and Iowa, too... Fairfax, to be exact...
1 comment:
glad to see you are having such a good time.you needed to get away,and let your hair down.
Really bummed you can't make our Betty Sale,but you are having way more fun than I am go girl.
See ya Ginger
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