There are so many more things... You'll just have to come visit...
I want to mention, as I was taking pictures for you, this evening, I discovered something had been stolen, from the shop.... It was something I loved.... Tho, I love, everything, in the shop... or, it wouldn't be there... It was stolen, yesterday... I know who took it, and, they also altered a price tag... But, at the time, I thought, well, maybe I did do it myself.... I get running so fast, and get so forgetful... but, after seeing this, and how they moved things around, so I wouldn't miss this little treasure... well, nothing would surprise me, about these folks....
I want you to know, if you read this, you are in my prayers... This is your journey, and God Bless you, and your wife.... Only Angels pass through the doors of that little shop... So, I know there is a special lesson, for you, and I here....
God Bless...
Barb C.
You are a better man than I.It is a shame people think they need to steal from you,I know from personal experience you a giving soul.Glad to see you back home,and read about all of your adventures.Wish I had half your energyand drive.Love ya G
Good for you for taking the high road. I used to get so upset when someone stole from me at my shop, but then I remembered that it is just stuff. Truly, there is little "stuff" that means that much to me. If I thought they really needed it, I would GIVEN it to them if they had asked. But stealing takes a part of you. I know you would do the same thing, with your big heart. That makes it sad. Keep on truckin.
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