Between Gail's Sale, and Top Drawer's Sale... I had a pretty sweet load! I was pulled away, early this afternoon, by a sweet gal, who is selling off her Red Wing, Salt Glazed Stoneware, Pine Step Back Cupboard, and Pine Harvest Table... She also has all sorts of wonderful bottle molds... We had a very nice visit, and will be chatting, more, soon! Carolyn A. had called me about Gail's Sale, and I didn't want to miss that, so scheduled it all together! Then, as I was getting ready to hit the door, at Gail's, Rosie, a dear friend of Gail's, told us about another Sale, in Cedar Rapids... So I followed Rosie, and found some great stuff! It was sad, tho, the gentleman who lived their, was an antiquer, too... He would come to my sales, with his friend, Jim... Jim is such a kind soul, and a dear friend, to this man... The man, was nearly blind, and his wife didn't go with, much... so he and Jim would run around, antiquing... The mans wife was in the hospital, and Jim, had just dropped his friend off at home... shortly after, the man fell down the stairs...and wasn't found, for several hours... He passed away, due to his injuries... When I was informed, about his passing, today, I had to go to his sale... I always loved the things he bought, he was such a kind soul, and had such a love for early things...{ he didn't care if they were perfect, either...}I wanted something, to remember him by... His wife passed away, shortly after... how sad...He will be missed....
1 comment:
You are a sweet dear lady to remember your friend so sweetly. I am sure he was honored with being your friend. Another angel smiling down on you from Heaven. :) Luv~Betty
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