This 'Jester', was quite curious.... He guessed what state we are from, with the first try... O. Kaaay. Our accent, he replied... Hmmm.... I questioned him, about the oil spill... No one is talking about it, here... I find that odd... He went ballistic... Said we should impeach our President, and put a woman, he is fond of, in his place... My reply... " Oh, the one who repeatedly said, during the last election, when questioned about 'off shore' drilling, "Drill, Baby, Drill!!!!" Hmmm, guess he forgot about that... His eyes dropped, and he, well, was a little speechless... I say, if you want to point fingers, be careful... they could ultimately point right back at you... Lets concentrate on fixing this, and making sure, this won't happen again.... It is heartbreaking....{ I heard a comment, about the last administration... that put the entire blame on them... so there is plenty of 'blame' out there} We, are the ones to blame... we the people... we must keep ourselves informed...I was reminded recently, about 'The Frog' story... A frog is put into a pot of cool water, on the stove.... He basks in it, and the water gets warmer and warmer, as he enjoys his sauna... 'til, ultimately, he's cooked... Sound familiar? I think we've been basking, for many, many years... Remember what I said about pointing fingers...hmmm...
Amen, Sister!!! Can't hardly stand to watch the news -- is that called "sticking your head in the sand". I'm so enjoying your trip. Wish you would drive back thru Mo. & visit me. Jan
Barb, I can't believe your diggs!! Stunning, I'll say it again, STUNNING!! I've never been to new orleans or the carolinas, but, i'm ready to pack my bags and join you. I was eyeing the cool paintings in the background of the papercut pic. See you when you get back to hear all about it!
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