Tom and Cathy R. had invited John and I, to their Anniversary Party.... {and Cathy's Birthday!} Dale F. was going, too, so we were going to ride with him.... John pooped out on us.... We had worked outside, loading furniture, yesterday, and it was Hot! John isn't much for being out in the heat.... So, Dale and I were on our own!
I have known Tom, for years....and always admired him so... He owned one of the Best Antiques Shops, in the area... He is very knowledgeable, in so many categories... He travels all over the Country, doing top of the line Antique Shows.... and, along with Tom and Paula V., Louie and Colleen P. and Tom' s wife, Cathy, they promote one of the best Antique Shows in the area... The Midwest Cedar Rapids...
I met Cathy, several years later... Tom is a lucky man.... She is such a stunningly, beautiful woman.... Her outer beauty, tho, is totally eclipsed, by her inner beauty.... She was celebrating a milestone, and, for some reason, I thought she was 10 years younger, than she is... I gave her a card, to wish her a 'Happy 29th'... from her 110 pound friend.... { If she doesn't tell, I won't either!} { I think she could pass for 29, a lot easier than I could, at 110.....}
Everyone had a great time... I got loud, and unruly, as a fun party... They had a great band, I supported them, with all sorts of whoops, hollers, and whistles...... { Hey, there's one in every crowd!} { Tequila seems to have that effect on me...} No one was dancing.... soooo... well... I love to dance, and started dragging folks out... it was great... Hot... But great! We all had a great time visiting... And tho, I love to argue politics...and hash out the World's events... this was a Fun Party! No Politics.... No Oil Spill.... Not Tonight! So... when folks would start leaning that way...I'd interrupt, and say..." Let's talk about sex..." Oh my... you could hear a pin drop... and... back to the fun!{works every time!}
It was so great to see everyone! Steve G. Diane K.{ Found out that she and several of the other gal's are cigar smokers... oh my.... what a party...I was a good girl.. in that respect... no smokin' for me... sorry, Ed....}, Jack, and his new friend, Tina...Lori,{ Lori just opened a new store, on Mt.Vernon Road, in Cedar Rapids... Dale says it's great! I need to check it out!!!} Paula, Deb and John H., Colleen P., Jo and Dan, Maurina, and so many others, I don't get to see, often enough... I'm licking my wounds, this morning...didn't get home, til after 1.... Haven't danced like that, for a long, long time.... It felt good.... I just filled John in, on all the fun he missed out on.... He didn't look too sad....Parties aren't his thing.....{ but he would have had a great time!}
Everyone was Buzzing about the 4th... Between Cindy B's{ Smokehouse Square Antiques, Amana, Iowa...319-622-3539} Show on the 3rd, and 4th, at the Festhalle Barn, in Main, Amana.... Hanson's Grove {on Highway 1, near Solon, Iowa... and minutes from Mt.Vernon} and Main Street Mt.Vernon, Iowa... It's gonna be a WONDERFUL 4th!!!
Well... I'm out the door!
Hope everyone has an Absolutely Wonderful Day!
Barb C
{p.s. everyone brought food.... and it was Wonderful!}
1 comment:
Everybody needs to tie one on once in a while, sounds like y'all had a blast...sure hope I can get up in that neck o the woods over the 4th...take care on the road, don't be doin' any storm chasin' like I seem to be doing of late...see ya...
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