I'm feeling a bit melancholy, today... Leaving for New Orleans... I think I always do this... As much as I run, 'home' is where I love to come to roost....It's like Rhett said to Scarlet... "You get your strength, from the red earth of 'Tara'..." I get mine, from the black dirt, and from my circle of friends and family{ two and four legged members...} I went to the Doc, yesterday, about my leg....{ It's still, half again the size of my right leg... It's pretty nasty... I thought it should be better, it's been almost a week... one of my friends had me shook, about blood clots....and I didn't want to worry, all the time, so went in....} She wanted to do some tests, but, no insurance, no way... So, I have strict orders... blood thinners.... and leggings... I keep watching the news about the oil spill... If they have anything for me to do, to help those poor animals, I'm all over it... I have doctored critters, since I was young, and they don't scare me a bit... I just want to cry, when I see it.... Folks are talking about boycotting B.P..... B.P. didn't want this to happen... if it's all about money and oil, they certainly don't want this... This is a horrible mess, if anyone should be brought up, it should be the ones who installed this line... Just think... How many shut off's do you have in your home, for natural gas... how many, for your water line? Lots...Who ever installed this, was reckless... B.P. will pay... Cash... But the environment, may never recover.... and those poor creatures, that have no idea, what they are exposing themselves to, will suffer with their lives...
I know everything happens for a reason.... I have wanted to go to New Orleans, since I was 17... Turn it loose, get crazy, and wild.... Allyson asked me to go with her back in February, long before this tragedy... I must need to go, for a reason... see something, be touched, or touch someone... I know this isn't a {just} vacation... I feel it in my bones... It's some sort of a mission... I read my Streams, just now, oh my... I glanced through the pages, nothing seemed to fit... So, I asked the Lord, to show me...Show me what would be the perfect words, for today....my eyes went to a little poem, at the bottom of page 353. It reads...
"Give me a new idea," I said,
while thinking on a sleepless bed;
"A new idea that'll bring to Earth
A balm for souls of priceless worth;
That'll bring men thoughts of things above,
And teach them how to serve and love,
That'll banish every selfish thought,
and rid men of the sins they fought."
Oh my... Once again, just what I needed to see...
I want to send apologies out, to the three people who popped in, yesterday....Whoever you are....
I was interrupted, yesterday, while getting my stuff ready to go... I was running around, gimping, with a bad leg, packing, coloring my hair, taking a shower, washing clothes, and bedding, the washer motor, burned up, before my eyes,{thank God I bought a back up, at a garage sale, a couple of weeks ago! It works Great!} all my bra's were in there { I don't own many} { sorry to those, who don't want to know this} so, when a guy knocked at the door, to go see the shop, I was wet headed, bra less, in an old 't' shirt, and men's pajama bottoms... now, this would be great, for my daughter, Liz... Me, ah, not so much....I asked him, what he collected,what type of stuff he was looking for...{ I just knew I didn't have a thing for him... } and we went round and round....finally, he said everything.... He was insistent... I told him to go on down, I'd be there in a minute... { I'm really not usually this short, with folks... But, I'm tired, hurting, bra less, and a MESS!} So, I gimped down, and a couple of women pulled up.... I said hello, they followed me, and I made my way to the man... I said, "why didn't you just go on in...the door is open?" He said, "well, it was stuck, and I didn't want to push it..." { He didn't seem to have a 'pushing' problem, to me...{ sorry, that wasn't nice...} So I walked up to the door, and gave it a kick.... The women ran for their lives... I felt so bad... The guy, well, he wasn't fazed... much... I guess I need to get away... So, sorry, to the gals...didn't mean to scare ya... Just then, the phone rang... It was the Doc, they had a cancellation, and if I could be there in 20 minutes, I could get in... Oh Joy.. They got to see the 'Goddess', too..
I'm taking the lap top... I'll keep you posted... I know we are going to have a great time... And let God, be our guide... { He knows I like to have fun, I'm sure we'll find some! But, I think there is more to this trip... We'll see...}
Barb C.}
I've been to New Orleans twice, but both times were with a church youth group! So, never really got to "experience" the city! Have fun!
Have a great trip, try to rest a bit, and eat some yummy food!!!
Enjoy yourself!!
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