You see... this is why I do... What I do.... Friends...
I have known Charlie, for many years... He and I think, much alike... He is such a kind, and gentle spirit, and, is able to see the good in things, that so many dismiss... He knows immediately, when something has my name on it, and puts it aside, for me... Like this incredible birds nest.... I have never seen one like it.... It is constructed with moss.... live moss.... the inside is lined, with what appears to be, something like angel's hair... maybe milk weed silk... I don't know, but he saved it, and several others, for me...What a friend....{ he had one nest, on his truck dash, for a few days, and the guys at work, really ribbed him....thanks for putting up with the jokes...You are a Dear Man... and a Great Friend!}
I found several fun things, at Charlie's Barn... But the best thing, was having a long overdue visit, with Charlie....
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