This is for a dear person, who just lost her beloved four legged, best friend... I know exactly, what you are feeling... It's a pain, that is piercing, to the very core, of your soul... John and I have suffered, great losses...and we know... Some folks, just can't seem to understand, why or how, we could have such love for these creatures... Well... Here's how I see it... There was only one Man, who ever walked the face of this Earth, that ever equaled, the Unconditional Love, of a Dog... and He's been gone, over two thousand years...
The words, I said to my daughter, Liz, when she was overcome, by grief, after losing, her Best Friend, Molly... as she was sobbing, and cursing, because the grief was so incredibly painful... "It is Better to Have Loved, and Lost, Than to Have Never Loved at all..." I told her, God Bless you, for feeling... To be able to hurt this deeply, was a wonderful thing... Some people aren't capable of Loving, that much....and certainly, not feeling...How sad, for them... We should rejoice, that we can feel, and have compassion...
We have all decided, if Dogs, don't go to Heaven, we won't go, either... Just send us, where the Dogs go...
I believe they do... What a lonely place Heaven would be, without our Beloved Friends...
Our Sympathy goes out to you... along with our prayers... We'll all meet again... He's there waiting for you...
God Bless...
Barb C. and John...
{ When John, told me of your loss, today... I was sitting in my chair... He said, you loved your babe, as much, as I love, my Polly... He walked out the door... I sat there for a moment, and called her, to me...She jumped on my lap... and I realized, the only thing the Lord did wrong, was have our beloveds lives, so much shorter than ours... I know, someday, long before, I ever think it should happen, my girl will leave me, too...{tears... and more tears...} All we can do, is love them, and make their lives wonderful...He knows, how very much he was loved.... What a Lucky Best Friend.... You were both, very blessed...}
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