Was on the road, again, yesterday... Visited pal, John, and Polly {pollanns} we're all gearing up, for the 4th! I'll be pricing, packing and loading, this week...Peg is coming up... So, the Mad Hatter, and the Mad March Hare, will be at it again... She's bringing some of her wonderful gourds!!!! Yeah!!! And will be at the show, in Mt.Vernon, with us!
Ginger and Garth popped out,{ they are also doing the Main Street Mt.Vernon Show!} {virginia rose} with a cupboard they thought had my name on it... they were correct... and John is doing some minor things, to it, today, and it will be great for the 4th! Mark and I are going to have some fun stuff! Everything from vintage concrete, to a 12 foot showcase.... I'll have a listing, later in the week!
I'm off, and running! {still a little hungover, from Saturday...whew... this old gal isn't up to that craziness anymore...It takes so much longer, to get out of the fog, the older I get... Oh my... STUPID!}
Have a Great Day!
Barb C.

This little trike was at Polly's house... Had to have it... It'll be fun, sitting with a display of patriotic textiles, and little flags, for the 4th!
Great finds. Speaking of finds, I just heard about the Mt Vernon show yesterday and signed up to be there today...hope to meet you there!
Barb, I really enjoyed our time yesterday,it was super to have the time to stand and talk for awhile , I need to take to heart all you said about the sale. Wise words from someone who knows.Thank you,it meant alot and helped alot.
Love ya and I'll repay in kind one of these days. 10 again Thank you.Take Care G
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