Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Golden Rule.

What a Day.
: )
The last Couple... have been Interesting, to say the least.
: )
Met a Gal... a Farmer Gal, online... that was selling Tomatoes, yesterday.
Told her I'd like to purchase 20 pounds.
; )
She, like... myself, prefer to 'Talk', rather than text.
She sent her number.
I called.
oh my.
: )

Turns out Our Lives... are like living Parallel Dreams.
Holy Smokes!!!
: ) : ) : )
'Life'... had taken her away, she couldn't meet with me, yesterday.
 All Hell was Breaking Loose. : ( 
Told the Gal... I, Truly... wasn't Laughing... 'at' Her, or...
The Hornet's Nest, She's Livin' In...
oh my Lord, listening to The Hell She's Fighting, and Going Through...

She said... 
"All I want to do, is go to The Farm, pick tomatoes... 
and sell it to Folks... who appreciate it.
Have To Take Care Of All Of The Bullshit, that doesn't seem to Ever Let Up!!!"
: (....................

{hmmmm.... Hahahahahahaha!!! Yeah, Had To Laugh!!! Hahahahaha!!}
: ( : ( : ( 

Told The Gal...
this morning, after listening to her... 'Journey' yesterday, that continued on, today...
"Girl... it's not Funny, but... I kinda understand, after listening to You, and The Frickin' Drama...
in Your Hornet's Nest, why... so many, seem to find humor... in mine.

This is a FRICKIN' Comedy Sh!t Show!!
: ) : ) : )
 there's Nothing FUNNY.... 
about It, when you're Fightin' for Your Life, and for Those Ya Love."

That Farmer Gal... is a Character.
Piss Cutter.
; )
She could make a Million... on a Stage.
: )
: (

The Farmer Gal... brought up politics, yesterday.
; )
We had some deep... conversations.
: )
We... didn't agree, on some things... by a long shot.
 we saw eye to eye, on quite a Lot.
; )
We're Still 'Pals', today.
: )

'Respect', and...
'The Golden Rule'.

'Do unto Others, as You'd have Them...
Do unto You'...
pretty much, 
says it all.
; )

The Farmer Gal... has The MOST Amazing Tree in her yard.
{Almost... as Amazing, as an Old Oak I Love Deeply. }

A Massive Sycamore Tree.
The Farmer Gal, said... she was told, it's about 350 Years Old.
<3 <3 <3 
It's Insanely Beautiful.
; )
Blew my Mind... when I saw it, today... while Finally being able to pick up 
: )
{30 Pounds.
 ; )
 I'll be Freezin' a Bunch, for later. 
; ) 
Eatin' a Bunch, over the next few days. <3 : ) }

Justin 'J'... helped me unload The Ford, this morning...
Miss. Willow, and Miss. Meadow... came to visit.
They So Wanted to See... Goldie, The Goldfish, {Koi}.... but, he was pretty shy, this morning.
: (

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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