Saturday, August 31, 2024

Findin' The Road.

Yesterday was a Lovely... day, mostly.
Wrote a long post about it, then saved it, as a draft.

Pal, Garth... stopped by, to show me a cool Old Cupboard he'd just picked up.
; )
We had a long visit,
then... took a Long.... Walk.
: )

Garth wanted me to show him... what's had me so 'twisted'... with IDOT, and Fairfax, for around 8 years... and Still... Ongoing.
: )
{oh... dear. }

Didn't take Garth long.... to figure it out.
{You should've seen Poor Garth... JUMP...!!!
 when a car was turning right... onto Stallman Dr. off of 151, next to where we were standing, 
 the car... behind the one turning... LOCKED It's Brakes Up.... With a Horrible Screech....
in order not to hit the car turning right....
then, a Pick Up... Passed Them Both in The Center Turn Lane!!
; )
 I don't even flinch, anymore. 
: (
Garth... didn't think 'this' was a very good place, for a 'Bike Trail'.
Hmmmm... who knew?? : ) }

Garth looked at the 'drainage' we're left with.
the Bridges.
oh my.
: )
So Much More.
Fairfax's Future...
: )
The Stories.
The 'Facts'.
oh... my.

You should've seen Garth's face... when I told him that the IDOT, has Immunity to Fraud.
; )
Garth... just stood there, next to 151, on Fairfax's 'Bike Trail'... 
{that isn't, according to So Many, at Fairfax City Hall.}
I... could see the Gears Turning... behind his eyes.
Garth said...
"Wait... What??? How can That 'Be'?? Why... would the IDOT need to have 'Immunity' to Fraud??"
: )
We both answered his question.... in unison.
"unless... you're planning on committing... 'fraud'."
{Great minds think alike, it seems. : ) }

As Much... as I Enjoyed visiting with Garth, 
by the end of our walk {Tour}around the entire property, well....
I... was kinda...
in a 

Said... Many, Many... Many,
'bless their hearts', 
concerning IDOT District 6, Fairfax, Iowa...
 City Hall, and...
 those who represent them...
; )
: )

Listened to Miranda Lambert's 'Tune', that addresses that sentiment, 
a hundred times, while cleaning house.
; )

Today... is a Beautiful Day.
; )
New Day.
 Takin' a Drive.
Gettin' The Flock... Outta Fairfax, for a bit.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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