Friday, August 23, 2024

One Day at a Time.

Spent yesterday's late afternoon, and evening, with Bud and Renate.
Met with Bud... and their Insurance Adjuster, did a walk through of their home.
Service Master... is making progress, for sure.
; )
Long way to go, but... being able to navigate through the structure... was much easier.
Last time I was there, it was like walking on mountain's of Deep...
Bread Pudding.
: (

The Patsy Cline... CD's caught my eye, yesterday.
: )
Patsy's 'Always'... tune, was what I led yesterday's post off with, thinking of both...
Bud, and Renate... 
<3 <3
Garth, and Ginger.
<3 <3 

Bud wears a separate pair of boots, when he's sorting inside the home.
They get Full... of debris. 
: (

Above is what Renate posted, the other day.
People.... have been so Wonderful.
Bud, and Renate... get choked up, when they speak of The Kindness, and Generosity from Folks they Know... and, Don't.
Renate will be forwarding Much... of The Kindness, to Safe Haven, in honor of their three Beloved...
<3 <3 <3 

After leaving their home... last night, Bud, Renate... and me, went to Bully's Angle Inn, in Walford.
: )
It was GREAT.... hearing Renate... talk about 'Plans' for Their New Home!!
: ) : ) : )
<3 <3 <3 
Renate... is an Artist.
: )
So... is Bud!!
: )
Can't Wait To See... Their New Home!!!
<3 <3 
; )

We ran into... some Great Folks, at Angle!!
: )
Terri, and Bill.
Haven't seen Them... forever!!
They are Both Avid Cyclists....
and live near Walford, Iowa... 
{very close to Fairfax.}
in fact...
have a video of Terri, from 6 Years Ago... when I ran into her at the Angle, one evening.

{Before... I knew, how Incredibly Ugly 'All' of 'This' would Ultimately Become. 
When I was Worried Sick, about Others, being Encouraged to Ride, and Walk... next to This Highway 151 Mess. {'Suicide Trail' our Dear... Texas Pal, Michael... labeled it. He's been here. He understands what kinda traffic we fight. }

Not having a Clue... back then... how The Iowa Department of Transportation's... Fairfax 'Bike Trail'... 
Accommodations, {That didn't exist according to IDOT, and Fairfax's then... Mayor, and Council...yet, actually... Did, and Does.}
 would ultimately... 
be drowning us.
: ( : ( : (

Those were the days... when I thought.... Foolishly, I, could handle... everything.

Trust... The Iowa Department of Transportation...and Their District 6 Engineers, and Spokeswoman.

I... was wrong.

Lawyer Meardon, Gratefully...
Stepped Up... and Boarded This Crazy Train...
late, 2018.

I'm gonna leave the story there.
; )
The last 6 years, oh my.
What a Ride. 

The Book... Is Going to Be Written.
{If my Liver Survives!! : )
Quit Smokin', over a month ago,
 ; )
 should have Plenty of Wind. ; )}

Terri confirmed... 
yesterday, that She Stands By Her Comments, in that video, concerning a 'Bike Trail'... next to 151, in Fairfax.
She'll never use it.
Way TOO MUCH Traffic.


: )

These Folk's... are pretty Serious Cyclists.
They also Understand... Highway 151, through Walford, and Fairfax.
They've lived in this area.... for a Long, Long... time.
Terri, said... again, yesterday, 
"I'd never let Anyone... I Love... ride, or walk... next to 151 in Fairfax." 

Nor would I... or Fairfax's Councilwoman Wainwright... as She's Stated Many Times, over the decades.
{she still voted for it... Even tho, she's denied over and over... at many recorded Meetings, Fairfax's Bike Trail... Exists. 
If... It Does, 
she's said...
Fairfax Never Asked for It.
It was All... on The Iowa Department of Transportation.


Thanks to Lawyer Meardon... 
He's furnished me with all of The Public Records.
oh my.
: (
Clear back to 2012. }

Terri... showed me something on an App, she has, on her phone...
that, gave us both...
: (

Another conversation... with Lawyer Meardon.
{Bless His Heart. }

Oh... dear.
: (

Meeting with Pal, Allyson, this evening.
: )
She invited me to Supper, and a Concert.
: )

It'll be Fun!!
; )

Tomorrow morning, Bright and Early... we're heading South... for a Day Trip.
; )
Gonna visit some Amish areas.
Hoping to gather some produce, especially... a little Sweet Corn, before the Season is over.
Can't Believe...
we're moving into Fall.
: (
Labor Day... is just a Stone's Throw... away.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Think I'll stick with Patsy, for the lead. I'll post Terri, too... from 6 Years Ago!!}
; )

{yes... still workin'... when I can, on that 'Gold Rush'... post. 
So Much... happened, 
; )
in such little time. }
oh my.

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