Sunday, August 25, 2024

Miles... and Miles... and Miles.

Allyson picked me up at 8 a.m. Sharp...
Saturday Morn!!
: )
We headed to Mt. Vernon, Iowa... about 20 minutes East of The Rabbit Hole, to Grab The Best Coffee on The Planet, and... Best Bakery.
; )
Art and Espresso'.
Our Dear Friend...
Tommie, owns it.
; )
Her Mom... does All of The Baking!!
Best Scones... We've Ever Eaten!!
: ) : ) : )

Tommie has All Sorts of Gnarliness, and Fun... at FUEL.
: )
the Sweet Little 'Thank You', above.
; )
The Rabbit Hole... 
feels the same way.
Once Ya step inside the door, 
that 'other' world...
needs to keep out.
; )
<3 <3 <3 

Then, we headed South... and, a little West.
Kalona, Iowa... area.
Amish Country Stores.

Met This... Wonderful Guy, when I found an apple, that had fallen from a tree, near where he was hitched.
Don't believe he gets apples, often.

He... didn't quite know what to think of it, at first.
but, after he gave it a Good Sniff...
That Apple was HISTORY!!
<3 <3 <3

Oh My...
; )
made me think of Scout... and how Incredibly Spoiled He Was.
<3 <3 <3
Should Be, in my opinion.
Justin 'J's 'Romeo'... is a Close Runner Up, to Scoutaroo.
: )
'Romeo'... came from an Amish Farm, where he was being used to pull a Manure Spreader, the week before he came to live with The Kids.
: )
He's Livin' in Horse Heaven!!
<3 <3 <3 

The Amish Garden's are Insane!!

We wanted to stop at Sisters' Garden, but... were running late, for the Kalona Farmer's Market.
Next Road Trip... South.
; )

Went through many Cool... Iowa Towns.
Fairfield.... had some Awesome Homes, and Buildings.
: )

Ran into a Church Rummage Sale.
Beautiful Church.
they didn't have any tables set up, had everything layered on the Pews, mostly.
They had things outside... on the ground, it was so different than how they conduct them here.
; )

Found a Sweet... Chandelier... there.
: )
It rode with the Tomato Dill... Sourdough Bread, I bought at The Kalona Farmer's Market.
: )
Allyson, and I... bought MANY Groceries, at The Country Stores.
; )
Stocked Up!!
; )

Allyson wanted me to see 'Dutchman's Store', in Cantril, Iowa.
It was Crazy BUSY!!
Very Cool!!

Decided to buy Sweet Corn, there.
There was a Father, Daughter... and Darling, infant Granddaughter... loading up on Sweet Corn, too.
I... stood back, waiting my turn.
The Dad...said... 
"You want to get in here???" : )
Told him, I'd like to grab a dozen, but am happy to wait.
: )
He said... "You get your dozen, because we're buying 20 dozen."
OH MY!!!!
The Daughter, who is from Arkansas, told me it's The Best Sweet Corn They've Ever Eaten!! Her Dad, Agreed.
; )
He's from Missouri. 
They drive a LONG Way... for This Iowa Sweet Corn!!
They're Canning, and Freezing it.
; )

Allyson, and I... stopped for a late Lunch, across the street from 'Dutchman's'.
'Cantril Fox Den'.
A small...
; )
that serves...
Good Eats.
'Soul Food'.
: )

Met some Great Folks from Des Moines while waiting for our meals. 
Had a Wonderful Visit with them... over Lunch.
: )

Then... we headed North, towards Home.
Crossed over The Des Moines River, again...
into Bonaparte, Iowa.
: )
Always Fun... Antiquing there.
; )
Haven't been there, for Years.
: (
Don't let the slow street above... fool ya.
: )
It's not until you have to Push a Ford Ranger, loaded... kinda heavy,
on one of The Hottest Days, of the year.... down the Main Street.
 When The Cars Line Up... on the 'Main Street', 
behind... Ya.
: )
They Come From Out of Nowhere!!!
Trust Me...
They're There.
Ya Can't See 'em.....
but, trust me...
They're There.
: )

We had Fun... Visiting in Bonaparte.

The Above Event... is After The Fall Harvest Sale.
: )
Might be a Great Escape!!
Love The Area.

Purchased the above...
INSANE Lamp, yesterday.
I DIG OLD FARM, and OLD... Soulfulness.
Crazy Lamps, 
make me smile.
: )

these days, when Ya run across something, That Brings a Smile to Your Face, well...
in my opinion...
You'd Better Grab It!!
; )

Speaking of Smiles.
: )

Allyson, and me... Popped in on Charlie!!
: )
His Barn Sale... Is Happening!!
: )


{Should've bought that Crazy Snail... }
{damn it. : ( }

See Simply Iowa, on FB.
Posted Many, Many... Images of Charlie's Barn Sale, that I captured yesterday.
What a SALE!!
; )

Lovely Day.
Grabbed some Much Needed Supplies.
Some Great Produce.
: )
Met, some Awesome Folks.
Shared some Wonderful Conversations...with Dear Pal, Allyson.
: )
{Eventually... we'll figure out the World's Problems. : ) }

Love.... the Early Ironstone Covered Vegetable, I found in Bonaparte.
No lid. 
No Worries.
I've NEVER Seen this pattern, before.
Guessing it dates from the Civil War era.
Those Beautiful Tomatoes... look even More Beautiful...
{in my opinion... : ) }
in that Old....
: )

Found the little 'memorandum' 
Book, as I was leaving the Cool Antique Store, in Bonaparte. 
It was sitting in a bin, in a zip-lock baggie, among a bunch of other little things.
: )
oh dear.
It Grabbed Me!!
: )

It's a handwritten cookbook, from 1904.
<3 <3 <3 
: )

Stopped in at our Fairfax Casey's tonight.
I, absolutely... Love The Fairfax Casey's Kids, and Manager... Barb.
Was just grabbing a BIG Iced Fountain Drink, but... when I went to pay, 
The Casey's Kids... had my 'Usual', waiting... for me.
; )

Surprised The Kids, I haven't seen in a long time, that...
I no longer smoke.
: )
They All Cheered.
<3 <3 <3
; )

Pal, Kelly Dennis, sent this to me this evening.
<3 <3 <3 
Love It...
and, Kelly.
: )

Love to Ya.
Prayers... for All.

Barb C.

{yes... when I can, I'll be addressing 'Gold Rush'. ; ) Gads. <3 }

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