Monday, August 12, 2024

Some Things...

Never Change.

'This Way... or, That Way???'

Today we've all been chasing our tails.
Yesterday... was a blur.
; )
We're all trying to find our feet.

I've been cleaning house, today.
A Very, Very... neglected house.
: )
There's simply not enough time in The Day...

Have Folks coming to upgrade our internet.
Made the appointment, before... all Hell broke loose.
It's futile scheduling appointments around times that are 'sane'.
; )
I've come to Finally understand, 'Sane' times... don't exist, 
while living in, and on...
 The Twilight Zone.
: )

Visited with Bud, and Renate's Insurance Cleaning Crew, today...
that were throwing things.... away.
oh dear.
; (
: (
There Will Be None... of That.
: )
Bud... was beside... himself, which... He Should Never Be.
Not Now.
Not Ever.

Chris... the Agent, got back to me... Fast.
He's Amazing.
; )

Reminded Chris... 
Bud, is a Worker.
 Bud.... won't Sit Still... for a Moment, and that his crew, had better step up. : ) 

Had to Scold... Bud, a little, today.
Bud... has to stay OUT of that House.
: (
I've been choked up since my tiny dig, on Saturday.
Bud... has inhaled SMOKE, and Fought a Fire, Big Time.
The Stress...
The Trauma.
: (
Bud... has high blood pressure, like my Dad.
Dad... died, after putting out a fire.
His heart, and the Pressure on his veins couldn't withstand the stress.
Dad suffered an aortic aneurysm, from attempting to put out a fire.
ya think I'm a little, Bossy... with Bud, today...
think again.
; )
You Have No Idea.
: )
I'm Incredibly Bossy.
: )
So Is Renate, Pal... Bill, and Many Others, who Love Bud.
Poor Bud.
<3 <3 <3 
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

So Incredibly Grateful... to our South Slope Phone Dude.
Miss. Peanut, loved him!!
: )
{He's a Pitty Lover, too. <3 Somehow, Peanut 'knew' <3 }

I was running around the house, when the South Slope Dude, said...
"Peanut is loose, is that ok?"
Oh My God!!!

Peanut... is blind.
She CAN'T be Loose.

South Slope Savior.
So Incredibly Grateful!! 

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