Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Swing... Batter, Batter... Swing.

Jethro... is back on his wheels.
; )
I've been so Insanely Busy... couldn't seem to find the time to get him in, for a new battery.
The timing was never good.
Today... was The Day.
It's been a month, or so.... wow.
Miss. Sally has been my Driver, and The Ford.
: )

Forgot how Incredibly Quick... 
that... Old, Jethro... is.
; )
After suiting Jethro... with a New Jolt, had lunch at Our Favorite Mexican Restaurant...
'El Paraiso'.
: )
Enjoyed a long phone conversation... with an 'Official', while scoopin' Up...
 The Most Amazing Guacamole
on The Planet.
; )
Told the Official... I'd like to be polite, and not.... Chomp, in his ear, but.... told him, if He...
could See... what's in front of me, well... : )
doubt he could control himself... either.
; )
{What a Conversation. oh my. : ) }

Spoke with Pal, Charlie... yesterday.
: )
It's So Good... hearing from Charlie!!
His HUGE Barn Sale... is Coming Up a Week from Yesterday!!
More on That... Soon!!
; )

Bud... called Bright and Early, this morning.
: )
I.. must've scared the heck out of him, yesterday...
Bud... was asking for 'permission'... to go inside their burned out Home... for Business documents.
{Bud... is a Record Keeper. ; ) }
Bud said... he's not sleeping, thinking about the records.
{gads... : ( }
I, asked him... what Renate... thought about it.
Bud... made it sound, like she was ok with it.
Told Bud, if he's not sleeping, and can get to that paperwork... QUICK, in...and out....
I, guess... go for it.
: (
I, just hate the thought of Bud.... exposing himself to the toxins.
{plus, He's In Shock... as is Renate. So Much Trauma. : ( }
The cleaning people... will be bringing Air Cleaning equipment, as soon as the permit's are in place, later... this week.
Wish he'd wait.
: )
{told Bud... so.}
I know Bud. 
Bud won't rest... worrying, stressing... and stewing...
over The Books.
: (
{Renate... Knows Bud, Far Better. ; ) <3 }
I'm certain... that's why... she was ok with this.
<3 <3 
: )

Heading to Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall, tonight.
'Council Meeting'.
'Sticking Needles in my Eyes'.
: (

Fairfax... has Hit All Three, Out of The Park, over the last Many years.
: ( : ( : (
Strike... One.
Strike... Two.
: )

oh... my.

With, in my opinion... The IDOT.
{Iowa Department of Transportation}
{Bless... All... of their hearts.}

What a Ride.

Loading for Gold Rush... in the morning.
More... on that, tomorrow.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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