Saturday, August 10, 2024


Arrived at Bud, and Renate's Home... early, before... Bud arrived, yesterday morning.
Kinda wanted to 'see' the fire damage... before Bud saw me, 'see it'.

I've spent some wonderful evenings, at Bud, and Renate's over the decades.
: )
Renate is an AMAZING Cook.
Loved visiting them... enjoying Wine, Incredible Food, light, and heavy...Conversation...
and, seeing Their Lovely Home, and Collections, they've gathered over their 48 years of Marriage.
<3 <3 <3 
They've lived in this Home... all of those years.

I often refer to Bud, and Renate... as 'The Love Birds'.
<3 <3
Decades ago... shortly after I met Bud... 
he, and Renate, were shopping at an Antique Shop, in CR, where I happened to also be shopping.
They were shopping in different areas of the shop... so when Bud would find something he wanted Renate to see... heard Bud say...
"Love... come look at this."
"Love... here's something you might like."
<3 <3 <3 
I've Never forgotten that.
; )
They Still... Speak to Each Other...
That Way.

The above... is the entrance to their Home.
The attached garage, was to the right.

There was a two stall garage there.
It held... some amazing Amana pieces.

This is walking in the side entrance, up the stairs... to their living room, and kitchen.

When Bud arrived, I met him at the end of their drive.
: )
Bud... had tears, I... did not.

Watching Bud... walk up that drive, like he did, at my Home, the first time I met Bud...
at The First Antique Sale, here... with my Sis, Chery....
decades ago,
made me Smile.
; )

We Embraced... Big Time.
: )
No Tears.
; )
Bud, and Renate... 
Nothing Else Matters.
; )

Me, and Bud... ventured through the Home... 
gathering a few things, they needed.
It wasn't good.
we found, what was needed.
{Thanks to Bud's Niece and Nephew, for braving the carnage. <3}

Bud, Shawn... {Nephew} and me...
searched for the last two Kitties.
We couldn't find them.
I'm Praying...
{We All Are}
they got out.
The basement... didn't sustain nearly as much smoke as the main floor.
If... they ran there, to hide.... it's possible, they survived.
We're All Searching.

That stand, on the back wall.... is an Empire piece, John... covered in tin.
Remember watching him cut the tin, and piece it.
Bud, and Renate... Loved It.
; )
{Renate is an Artist. She taught Art, for years. Bud, is... an Artist, as well. }

The Plants.

Hoping they'll survive,
: )
The Sunroom, got Hot.... but, not nearly as Hot....
as the upper level.

Where The Plants sat.
So Much Smoke... and, a Lot of Heat.
Told Bud... we Had to Try... and Save Those Plants.
: )
{Renate Loves Them. <3 }

I carried the water...

Bud... gave them All... Big Drinks.
: )

Bud... was wanting to find his Marbles.
{Don't we All!! : ) }
Bud, has collected some Incredible Marbles, over the years.
We Found Them!!

Very Smoked... but, They'll Clean.
: )

Renate Collects Ironstone.

Seeing her Ironstone...

The Good News...
It Will All Clean Up.
; )

Much... Will Be Salvaged.

When we left... last night, everything was Buttoned Up.
; )
The Service Master Folks... are On Top of This.
; )
Renate, and Bud... are Amazing.
but, hurting.
Reminded them Over, and Over...
how Incredibly Blessed We All Are.
could've ended very differently, in the 
blink of an eye.

Keep Them, in Your Prayers.

After leaving Bud, last night...
pulled in, and found a 'Rabbit', welcoming me, and The Ford, Home.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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