Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Long Day... in Des Moines.

Met Pal, Dale Frese, at his Farm about 6:30, this morning... we headed to Des Moines from there.
Dale lives about 20 minutes West of The Rabbit Hole, he offered to drive... : )
Dale, is also an Antiques Judge, for the first time... this year, at The Iowa State Fair.
: )
I was confident he'd be Great, and he was!!
: )
There are three Judges for The Antiques, between the three of us, we can cover most every category. Now... that we have our 'Friend'... 'Google', well... it's a big help, if we get into a bind.
: )
I... prefer, to call Real Friends. : )
 Pal, Gail.... Lynn, Lea, Mark... Tom, and Thom... to name a 'Few'... 'Experts'. : )
Today... we sailed through, pretty fast, and with ease. Not much... stumped us.
: )
Took us about 9 hours to get through it all, but... we gotter Done.
: )
They have GREAT Helpers at The Iowa State Fair.

It was Busy, Busy... at The Fair, and... it doesn't Open... until August 8!!
: )

Told Dale... there's no way, I could take the CROWDS at The State Fair!!
: )
I was having Conniption Fits...
as Dale was trying to navigate through the 'Fair Set Up Traffic'....
: ) : ) : ) 
; )

Told Dale... I could NEVER live in Atlanta... Chicago... L.A., St. Louis, Nashville.... Dallas...
 tho, Love Them, for a visit.
That 'Traffic'... : )
oh my...
Those 'Crowds'....
; )

When we got to the 'Children's Books' Category....
: )
Recuse myself.
: )
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya....
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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