Thursday, August 22, 2024


Yesterday... was beyond mentally stressful.
Worked on getting on-line accounts set up.
Me... and Computers, have a difficult time getting along.
I... can make my way through, but... it's Always an Adventure.
: (
The Sweet Gal, who was helping me from Alliant, Anna....
oh my.
: )
We were on the phone for at least 2 hours.
: )
Anna was to call me back, this morning, to finish up The Garage Account, that she'd bundled with The Rabbit Hole's Account.
{That won't work... we have to keep them separate.}
: )
before Anna could call me back, this morning... at 10:30, Justin... called me, at 5 a.m., when he arrived at The Garage.
No Power.
: (
Somehow... the Account was shut down, and closed off.
oh my.
: )
Gratefully... got Alliant out here, by 6 a.m.
: )

Anna, and I had a Big Laugh!!
: )
Anna said... that she was to blame. I, said.... Nobody.... was to Blame!!
If Anything... Dealing with Me... and Computer Issues, oh my...
That's Enough to Shake Alliant Energy to The Core!!
: )

So Much... came down the pipeline, yesterday.

Night before last... visited with Bud, and Renate.
{Renate's Antique Gallery, Amana, Iowa.}
They wanted my thoughts on a couple of things, that were in the house fire.

Told them to pull this old Rocker, from the dumpster.
It's still very Solid.
It can be cleaned, and sealed.... with a varnish, or sealer... to keep the smoke smell back.
: )
It's a 'Survivor'.

Bud used it as a ladder... to do more Dumpster Divin'!!
; )
It's Solid!!
; )

All three of Bud, and Renate's Kitties have been found.
none survived.
They showed me where they buried them.

<3 <3 <3 

we went to The Millwright, in Amana, Iowa.
It...was Lovely.

So Incredibly Grateful.
<3 <3
{Heading to meet with Bud, and their Insurance Adjuster, in a bit.
Renate... said she wanted no part of meeting at the house. This has been so Incredibly heartbreaking for Renate. Bud, too... but, Renate... oh... my. : (.... <3}

Received a call, later... 
yesterday afternoon.
It was from Garth Horning.
He, and his Lovely... Wife, Ginger... are Antiquers.
We've known each other... forever.
Garth and Ginger used to do The Anamosa Show, and... What Cheer Flea Market.
Garth was calling me concerning a Cupboard he has.
I... asked how Ginger was doing, she'd been ill.
Sadly, Garth... told me Ginger had passed away, on May 2nd.
: (......................
Oh...Dear Lord.
: (.................
I... had No Idea.
: (...............
we both... shared a tearful... conversation.

<3 <3 <3 


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