Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Blessings.

The done.

It's not as usual. I'm not dressing the House up...this year.
The Tree...will have to Carry Christmas, this year.

Frankly...I'm pretty proud of myself, for getting this much done, this year.
Couldn't imagine the Kids, and Grandkids...not seeing The Tree.

Dear Friend, Allyson, stopped by yesterday morning, and brought some of her Wonderful...
Christmas Goodies.
What a Beautiful Blessing, Allyson has been in our lives.
John...Adored her.

We sat, and visited, for a long...long, time.
: )

Got her caught up...on the IDOT, and Fairfax's Shenanigans.
Shared some of the Public Records, we've been combing through, with a Nit Comb.
She...was as stunned as we are.

Allyson, is a psychiatrist, tease her all the time about her secretly using me as her 'study subject'...for a book, she'll someday write.
: )
Met Allyson, nearly two decades ago, at The Rabbit Hole.
We became fast friends.

She's seen first hand, how this Journey with IDOT, and Fairfax......has affected us.
All...of us.

Allyson, said... "Let's take another 22.: ) "
She suggested Virginia, then...said..."How about The Panhandle, of Florida??"
Told her...I was Up For Anything...'South'.
 ; )
New Orleans,
: ) : ) : ) 
She was All In!!
Allyson Loves The much as I do.

It was very fitting, considering the gift...I found her, Antiques of Marion.

The Creoles of Louisiana.

The book was published, in 1884.
What was so Incredible...about this book, 
as I was flipping through it's pages, found a handwritten note, from the first 'Giver', of the book.
The note had Christmas Greetings, and was dated, Christmas Day, 1884.
It Go To Allyson.

Received many Christmas Cards, very Special.
Gib, and Mary...who we conducted a Living Estate Sale for...this Summer, even included us, in their Christmas Letter.
What...Beautiful People.

I didn't send out any, this year.
Haven't since John left.
I...need to start doing that, again.
They bring such Joy.


Took Pal, Dale...out for Supper, at Bobby T's, where Daughter,, last night.
He was Such Tremendous Help, at Jerri's Estate Sale.
He wouldn't take a penny, for helping us.
He, so Loved Jerri, and said...he considered it an Honor, to help with her Sale.
Another...Wonderful Blessing.
; )
Ran into a young neighbor, and business owner, at Bobby T's, we were talking about the shenanigans, here...
I told my Family, and want me to get out of here.
Dale...nodded his head, Big agreement.
The neighbor, told me some very interesting details, concerning Fairfax.
Seems...I'm not the only one, who is having major issues with City Hall.
Fairfax...truly, used to be
 'Home Sweet Home'.'s like Hell, for so many.
 to say the very least.

Sadly...when we pulled Christmas, from under the stairs, and landing...last week,
we found mold, from all of the wrongful flooding.
I was afraid of that.
You can't be repeatedly flooded, and not have damage.
It was heartbreaking to see.
Kinda took the wind out of my sails.

Another Gift...from IDOT, and Fairfax, City Hall...
solely because of  their wrongful Trail accommodations.
They just keep Givin' and Givin'.
Bless their hearts.

Could see, on the cardboard box...under the stairs, where it had soaked up water.
Thankfully, Christmas, is mainly packed in plastic totes.
Some of our wrapping paper, sadly...was standing on it's end, and...was destroyed.

I could see...where the totes had been sitting in water.

Helper, Brandon...scrubbed the floor, and walls, with bleach.
It's not going to stop the mold,'ll help, for now, until it can be repaired.
All of it.

I'm going to go The Tree. Old...Christmas Music, and reflect.
Miss. Peanut...has beat me to it.

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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