Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Took this day...

No reading... 
about the wrongfulness...

It had me so wound up...yesterday, didn't get much rest, last night.
Between combing through all of that, and 
The Full Moon, 
I was wound for sound.

Just took care of myself, and Miss. Peanut, today.
; )
Took a Hot...Hot...Bubble Bath, this morning...
then, snuggled with The Pup, in John's old recliner, watching old Westerns, all day.
: )

Pal, Allyson... called last night.
Invited me over to her Home, on Christmas Eve, for Supper, with her, other Friends, and her Family.

Thanked her, for her Kind Invitation.
I'm looking forward to Joining Them.

So much has changed, over the last several years.
oh my.
I've never been big, on 'change'.
It's kinda difficult.

Below...is a tiny, Pink...Heart Ornament, I purchased at Jerri's Sale.
I'll think of her, every year, when it hangs on The Tree.
I always buy an ornament, or two...at The Sales.
; )
Memories...of the Folks we get to know, even if they're gone.
We get to know them.

Called Mary, the Wonderful Lady, we conducted a Living Estate Sale, for...
this morning.
Thanked her, and Gib, for The Beautiful Christmas Card.
It...was so thoughtful.
Told her...how very much it meant, to both Bill, and myself.

As I was soaking this morning...again, thought of my Most Favorite...
Christmas Display, down The Rabbit Hole.

Had it nearly, set...when Our Peg came up, to visit.
She and I filled the old Tin Bathtub with ornaments.
: )
Peg used to help with the Christmas Open Houses, there...
and would be so Sick...of 'Christmas', she'd tell me, when she got Home, to Missouri, she Wanted NO Part...of 'Christmas' at Home!!!!

Sometimes, when we'd be out 'Junkin'...I'd run across Christmas Ornaments, that I Simply...had to buy.
; )

Peg would say...
"YOU DON'T 'NEED' Another 'Ornament'!!!!"
I'd pick one up...and tell her, 
I don't Have 'One'...Like This....'ONE'!!!"
: ) : ) : )
Peg would Roll her Eyes, knowing...
'What's The Use!!!!'.
; )

God Knows, how Much...I Miss Peg.
We were like Lucy, and Ethel.
What One wouldn't Think of...
The Other...Surely...would.
: )

{It was usually me, that got us in some Mighty....Tight...Spots. 
oh dear.
; )
Somehow, I believe...that's much of why Peg so enjoyed being here.
Told her Dozens, of times, that I just couldn't understand...why, she kept coming back.
So Much Work.
So Much...
Insanity. }

We Had So Much Fun, too.
We'd Laugh...until we cried.

Peg...Loved it here.
I see her

<3 <3 <3 
The Mad March Hare, wearing The Hatter's Hat.

So Needed to take This Day....
Don't feel a bit selfish, for taking it.

Popped open a Bottle of Champagne, tonight...
am sippin' on it, as I write.
; )
Was going to save it, for New Year's Eve, but what the hell.
They sell more of it, at the store.
; )

This Day...is as Good, as Any...to Celebrate, 
and Toast...
 my Best Friend.
<3 <3 <3 


Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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