Sunday, June 6, 2021

The 'Hitchin'...went off...Without...a hitch.

The Wedding was Beautiful.
This was at my Dear Friend, Patti's Home.
Her Son, Tony...and, his now, Beautiful Wife...Jenn, wanted to be Married there.
Who wouldn't? : )
It's like a Slice...of Heaven. 

Happy Couple!!!
<3 <3 

They thanked me, over and over...for helping.
{'Drill Sergeant'...that I tend to become...especially...
when time gets down to the wire. 

oh dear.
; ) }

I, felt be Included.

It Was Beautiful.
Patti, and I..sat out on the deck...overlooking their Beautiful Pond...listening to the Bull Frogs, as the Sun...was nearly down...last night,
 after everything wound completely down...until about 11.
It was a
Couldn't have been more...Perfect. Them.
and Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


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