Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Found the ground, this morning, after such a difficult yesterday, and early morning.

Realized, today is the anniversary of a Dear...Dear Friend's, tragic loss, of her Beloved Husband, a year ago.
I'd been thinking about her...over the last week, and...was concerned about this one year mark.

Picked up the phone, to check on her...only to hear, she'd lost another close Family member...tragically, yesterday.
All...of my concerns....about 'wrongfulness'...were gone.

I, look around, my little fish bowl, and concentrate, on what's been taken, but...not, on All...I have.

So Much.
So Much.

Seems, So Many....have Lost, so Very Much.
When One...person, is lost, it's like a ripple effect.
Everyone who knew...and loved them, along with those...who know...and love, their Family, and Friends.
When one...hurts, many, many...hurt.

How I, for complaining.

There are many people, who Wish...they had only my problems.
Looking back, there were many times in my life, I'd gladly choose this 'problem' over those, gleefully.

I remember, many years ago...another Dear, Dear...Friend's Granddaughter, had been in a horrific car accident.
She...didn't survive.
She was in intensive the University, for many days.
I went to be with my Friend, and her Family, there.
There were many cubicles, side by side, with other intensive care patient's families, also... waiting...worrying....praying.
Today...there are still people...sitting there.
Every day. Every moment, of every day, many of those seats...are taken.

I, do think...about that, often. 
not often enough, these days.
It's about time...I do.

There's enough sorrow, and everyone's life, without me contributing.
I'm going to work hard, not to bring it here...anymore.
I may stumble, now and then...
but, I'll do my best, to bring Beauty here, because...
It's Here.
It's where you are...too. 
: )

I remember a quote, by Abe Lincoln, I think...
that goes...something, like this...

"If you look for the worst in'll surely find it."

When I first heard that, as a little girl, I myself, it's not just 'people', it's everything.
if you look for the Good, in whatever, or...whomever, it's there, too. 
Sometimes, ya just have to look really...really, hard.
: ) You.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.


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