Tuesday, June 29, 2021

In The Blink...of an Eye.

Delivered The Saint...last night, to a Friend.
along...with a pretty stained glass window.
She'd bought them both...long ago, but...with everything that's been happening, in both of our lives, well...
couldn't get it done, any sooner.

Waiting...this morning to hear how another Friend is doing.
He was badly injured last Saturday evening, while we were visiting.
I'd written, a while back, about...how so many of our problems, are really...minor, in the big picture.
Recalled, sitting at the University Hospital...in intensive care, many years ago...
with Loved Ones.
Those Folks...there, have problems.

Who knew, that's where I'd be...again, within days of 'remembering'.

Again...with dear Friends, and their Family.

Lives can be, and are... altered...every moment, of every day...for many,
in the blink of an eye.

As I knelt...on the ground, holding our Friend's hand, reassuring him, he was going to be ok, waiting for the ambulance, it brought back so many memories, of the day John left us.
Can't get it out of my mind.

One moment, everything is going good, the next...you're spiraling into the abyss.


Our Friend...had surgery, yesterday, came through it well.
it's going to be difficult, for him...and his Wife, for awhile.

Wish I could take all of their pain...and worry...away.

Starting on another Estate, today...
I thank God...for Work.

Love...to Ya.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.


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