Sunday, January 31, 2021

Snowy Sunday... in Iowa.

Justin...couldn't get out, this morning... 
I fed Scout, and had a Lovely...Visit, with him.
With the exception...of the wrongful trail, and bridge...
It was Beautiful....this morning.

John shared the above....with me, on FB, 7 years ago.
He Knew....How Much I LOVED that Movie.
Fast Cars...and BIG Trucks.
oh my.

Went to see it, at the Theater, in Cedar Rapids, the first night it came out.
By myself.
I was 14, driving an old '69 Ford Torino.
It was about...this time of year.
While inside the Theater, it began to Snow, Big...Snow, like today.
All the More Fun!!!
That, Torino...could 'Git 'er Done', too.
Spun a Donut...on Third Ave., then...saw a Cop!!!
Oh NO!!!
I, was Praying, he hadn't seen me!!!
He hadn't.
Me, and The Torino, Behaved...the Rest...of the way, Home.
oh my. 
; )

We still have our Trans Am.
It's a little older, than the 'Bandit's''s a '75.
Ours is Red, John...was driving it, when we first started hangin' out...together. .
Then, it eventually, became my... 'Driver'.
It has a 400, with a Rock Crusher 4 Speed.
It, truly could 'Get It On'. : )
It's been sitting inside, for many, many... years, now.
It's 'Family'.
Maybe, Justin...will restore the Old...Gal, some day. 

16th. Birthday Present, to me...
Took a Ford CL9000, like the one, above...out for a test drive, the day...I got my license.
13 Speed.
A Big Farmer, from back in the day...
told me go Check 'em Out.
; )
He'd offered me a Job, Hauling.

The Salesman...who rode with me, didn't know how to Drive Semi.
; )
I, don't think...he'd ever ridden in a Semi, before...either.
: )
He kept looking down, at the curb, through the passenger's window...
 and saying...."Aren't we a little 'Close'...on this side?????"
 "Sure seems like we're awfully...'Close'. "
oh my, told...him..."Nope, we're just fine...look straight ahead, don't look down. ; ) "
I didn't take that Job, was too busy, working with Dad.
He needed me more...than anyone.

The next year, I was hired to help, part time... a Neighbor's Friend, 'Drive'.
oh my.
That was in an International, with a 6 Speed.
Never liked that 6 Speed.

I was always so that Man, tho.
He taught me so much, and was so patient, like Dad, always was.
I, remember....trying to back the Trailer, in between other Trucks, and being so nervous.
{3 a.m., after a 7 Day...Run.
 It was 90 degrees, outside, the Cab, it was about 60. 
Didn't matter, I was Sweatin' Bullets!!! }

I, popped the clutch...Killed the International, several times.
Kept begging back it in for me.
Finally, he said, "If it takes all night, you're gonna back 'er in."
: )
Then...he went on, and said...
"Don't be Killin' the Old Gal...anymore. 
You'll pop the driveshaft, then...we will be here, for a while."

Good Grief!!! That's All...I needed to hear!!!
: ( : ( : ( 


Got 'er Straightened Up....and Backed in...
like I was Threadin' a Needle!!!
oh my. 
: )

 Snowy Days...always bring back Memories.
The Blessings, are so clear...against a Fresh...White Blanket.
Even thinking about the Movie, 'Smokey and The Bandit', how...'corny' kind of seems, all of these years, later...yet, it isn't.
The message, is still, in many ways... a powerful one.

'Git 'er Done'.
Just...because, Folks around you, tell you, 'It Can't Be Done', certainly doesn't mean...
it can't.
; )

I will tell ya this, if ya don't 'try',
 It Won't....Be Done.

{So So Many, throughout my Life, who've Never Backed Down, from a so called...
'Impossible' situation.
; )
Made 'er Happen.
Sometimes, the Method's...weren't Pretty, but...
they didn't have to be...
as long as, at the End..of The Day, The Job was Completed.
'No Matter, What...It Takes'
; )} Ya, 
Barb C.
Prayers, for All. 

John...about the time I first met him.
; )
He...was a Handsome Man, Always, in Every Way.
We had one common, {quite a few things, actually. }
The One Thing, that we shared, without a doubt, is...
"When there's a be Done, Don't stand in the way...of Gettin' 'er Done."

Had to Laugh...when I saw the below quote.
Reminds me...of So Many....throughout my life.
May God Bless...Them All.
<3 <3 <3 

As much as I rant, about the IDOT, please...Know, it's about The Engineers, mostly at District 6.
NEVER...about The Workers.
Our IDOT, Plow Truck Drivers, and Road Worker's...are TOP NOTCH.
I, always knew...when coming Home, from Nashville, on Horrible Roads, in Snow, and on Ice...
We Could Just Make The Iowa Line, We were In Our Mother's Arms.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

John posted the below...on my FB Page.
He, knew it....too.
<3 <3 <3 

Thank YOU!!!
<3 <3 <3 
May God Bless You.

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