Wednesday, January 6, 2021

No Grit... No Pearl.


I posted the below post, around
Turned on the News, about...2, and saw something...that sadly, didn't surprise me.
Thought we'd see this, last November.

What a Sad...Day, for Our Country.

Hang on Tight, these 'Last Days'...are going to put The Test.

She'll Pass It, but...
there will be much Wrongful...


I'm Sure...our Enemies are Gleeful. 

Sad Day. }

; )

Love the above quote.
It's So True!!!

I'd planned on making some calls, today...but, after what went Georgia, last night, thought I'd better make the calls, in a day, or two.

I, don't like talking politics,, however...again, I'll say, we All are on the Same Team, and...believe it, or not...have Much More In Common, than...not.

Visited with one of my Dearest Pals...this morning.
We've been Friends...for 25 years.
We didn't vote the same way, for President.
That's O.K.
We Love and Respect...each other.
<3 <3 <3 
We Have Far Common, than not.
We discuss politics, on occasion, I...actually lean far more to the Right, than she does, on a few issues.
She, the Left, on few things, that...I don't.
It's so Beautiful...that we can Talk, and have a Conversation, without...hurting each other.

There's no way...I'd do, or say....anything, to jeopardize our Friendship.

There's another..Pal, I was going to, about Business.
I, knew...this would be a Tuff Day, for him.
He...would most Certainly, want to talk Politics.
Told my other...Pal, thought I'd say him.

"'d just give me 10 minutes, I'm Sure...I could make you change your mind, about All of This...and, switch Parties."

{I, know EXACTLY...The Profanity...He'd Use, to Differ.}

I'd...then, go on...and say...
"indeed. : ) 
Let's just...
move on."
; )
I, admire...and respect him...too. what worries me, far more than 'politics'.
That's exactly...what those who'd see US 'Break', are counting on.

I remember my Brother, Sonny...telling me, one day...about his Kids, when he sent them off to school.
"If One...of you comes Home...with a Black Eye...
You'd ALL...better come Home, with a Black Eye."

That's the way...I feel about being an American.

It's o.k., to not agree, on everything.
when Push comes to Shove, We'd Better be on The Same Team.
Not let any 'Outsider'...Divide Us.

That...concerns me, these days...more than the bickering, and...hurt feelings, between Us.
We'll get through this, like we always...have, as long as we keep moving forward, respectfully.
Things...will be kept in Check, as long as we don't collapse upon ourselves, with division. 

I, wasn't 2000.
Wasn't thrilled, in 2016.
Somehow...we managed.
We'll manage, this time...too.

Respect...begins at Home.

It takes...Grit, to make a Pearl.
I'm sure the Oyster, isn't thrilled, with sand...constantly aggravating, either.
Eventually, a Pearl...comes forth.

These are, Troubling Times, for So Many.
So Many...Battles, on So...Many...Levels.
I the end of each day, we never Truly Blessed We Are.

Anger, Disappointment...Confusion...Sorrow. 
We've gotten to know each of them...over the years, 
I...Hope, we Use...It Wisely.
Never...allow divide us. You.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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