Friday, October 30, 2020

The Cameo.

Yesterday....I finally made up my mind, to set Michael, the Archangel....
and create a Memorial...for our Loved Ones.

I was so excited...when I learned from my Friend...Patti, whom I was going to sell...The Angel, to...
{I...simply couldn't put a price on the Angel.}
 The Angle, was actually... 'Michael'.
Patti had no way of Special... 'Michael' is, to me.

Then...that same day, out of the blue...a Friend, I haven't spoken a year, sent me a link, to Gabriel...a young man, who decided to try to Give....the Beautiful Church Altar, away, instead of breaking it up...and throwing it, away.


I moved the Altar, into the house...that day, by myself.
No two wheel cart, no one to help.
I was so Excited, and...the weather was threatening...
where there's a Will...There's a Way.

Got it inside....then, went to pick up Michael.
He's heavy, and fragile.
{Two requirements...of Most Everything....I'm Most Drawn To!!! }

Got him loaded on the Ford...carefully strapped and padded, then...
had to get him off of the Ford....into the house, and up..onto the Altar.
I, spoke to Michael...throughout our Journey.
said... "Michael, I hear you're a pretty Tuff Dude, I'm puttin' ya to the Test."
: )

By Golly...we made it.

but...then, as the days passed....
I began to question....myself.
Should I put this Memorial...together.
After all...I love the house, the way it is.
I, don't like 'change'...much.
Would...'This''Too Much'?

Maybe, I should let them go... to Patti...after all.
Thought about asking others, for advise...
then, thought better of it.
It had to be my decision.

I created a 'Memorial'....for our Loved Ones....years ago.
Did I really want to disturb that?

I kept thinking about it.
Then...came to the conclusion....if, I didn't, and let them go....
I'd always wonder.
Yesterday, was the day.

I cleaned the house....took everything apart....
Moved...Mountains, really.
I finally got the Altar, in place...then, decided...: )
I wanted the original 'Memorial' Piece, On...the Altar, then...
Michael, on top of that.
: )
{oh my. That's a Tall Order, for a Gal...whose body, took a tumble down the basement stairs, a couple of years ago. ; ) }
Never the Less...
It had to be done.
: )

So...I called Son, Justin.
: )
He's a Mountain of a Man.
Unfortunately.. he'd left for the day....and was over 20 miles away.
He offered to help me, this morning....
: )
I, said... "Justin...when you wonder where you get your 'Impatience' from, it's from your Mother."
Told him...I'd figure it out.
: )

My biggest fear, was picking Michael Up...and over my shoulder, and having to tip him back so I could set his high as my chin...on the higher Altar, and... him be off balance, {with his Wings, and all. <3}and we'd Both...wind up Backwards...Broken, on the concrete floor!
Oh My!

then...I thought...
I could get his base, on the second Altar, could...I, without dropping him, or breaking him...
 have the strength, to carefully....stand him Up.

Again, I had a chat...with Michael.
: )
Said... "Let's Do This."

It all happened so fast, without a Hitch.
Just like That.

Then... I put the Old...Wrought Iron...Candelabras, up on the Altar, our Beloveds, One, Joined Michael.

Cleaned up the smaller candelabras,
 { Needed to be cleaned.}
Started to put the rest of the house, back in order.
Started resetting the area, where the Memorial...used to be.
but...ran out of steam.
I'll finish everything...up, today.
Still have some touches to do...with the Memorial.
but... at least, it's set.
: )

I lit all of the candles, last night, and sat....looking over the Memorial.

It wasn't...until I put out the Big...Candelabras...did I 'See', the Most Amazing Blessing, of all.
The Trees.
The Trees...peeking through the windows.
How many, many...times, over the last several years, did I pull in, at Home.... the driveway, and...stare, at those Trees.
Thinking... a year from then, or two...they'd all be gone, for Fairfax's wrongful... Trail.

How...many, many...nights, did I sit, in the exact spot, where I was sitting, last night night, thinking...they'd most gone, and I should savor every last moment, with them.
They Stand.

It took a Mighty Fine... Lawyer,  'Person' Save Them.
I've thanked him, over and over.
I, don't believe...he has any idea, how Truly...Grateful, I am.
I did Everything Possible, in my Power, to Stop This.
It...wasn't enough. 
So, Yes...I'm Grateful. 

If...the Trees would've been lost, to the 'Hurricane', I...could've lived with that.
Losing them, for something, so unjust....morally, and...lawfully, would've been a lot to bear.
Many, sadly were taken, for those purposes.

When I woke up...this morning, I checked my phone, to see the news, that had this crazy world, while I slept.
After, a few minutes of that, a Joel Osteen Video...popped up.
: )
I, wound up listening to two.
Both of them... were based around 'Time'.
I, found that interesting...because, the last post, I wrote...was titled...
"Time will tell."

Oh my.
What an Absolute... Blessing, he was, speaking of God's Word...Promises, today.

Within a matter of moments, a Wave....came over me.
I...finally, Finally....'See' the 'Cameo'.
: )
What a Blessing, Tremendous 'Gift'...that Is.
<3 <3 <3 
Just....That Fast. moving Michael. 
It was like a Switch Turned On!!!
<3 <3 <3 

Are the legal battles, over.
Right is right, wrong.
God, will make the crooked roads straight, His Way.
In His...'Time'.
They will Be, how He...decides they will be.

When John was building The Rabbit Hole, he asked me, how I wanted it to be.
I, told him... to build it any way he chose.
To...simply, build me a 'Box'.
 : ) 
I'd Take It From There!

Finally, Finally....
I can 'see'...the 'Cameo'.

I, So Thank Patti, for planting that seed.
I, So....Thank God, for His Promises.

There's Much Beauty, in those ashes.
Time....Will Tell.

Thanks so Everyone, who's been keeping me, in their Powerful...Prayers.
I, Pray...for You All, as well.
We need them Desperately... You.
Barb C. 

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