August 20 - 23!!!
'1' Cottage Grove Dr. N.E. Iowa City, Iowa!!
9 a.m. 'til 6 p.m. Daily! {Numbers at 8:30 a.m., on the 20th, and 23rd. No Early Sales.}
August 20, and 21. Full Price.
August 22, Most Items 25% OFF
August 23, Most Items 50% OFF
The Attached Chandeliers, and Sconces will Not be Reduced in Price.
Masks, and Social Distancing Required.
This is an Absolutely Beautiful Home... {For Sale!} Filled, with...Lovely, Lovely...Things. It's been a privilege working with these Beautiful pieces.
There are Several French, and Victorian Upholstered Pieces. Sofas, Settees, Chairs, Bedroom Sets, Paintings, Prints, Mirrors, Leather Sofa, Chandeliers, Candelabras, Furniture Dating from the Late 1700's to Modern.
Loads of BLING!!! <3 <3 <3
Much, to unpack. There will be a partial Estate, along with a Family Friend, bringing Items. Those haven't arrived yet.
Stay Tuned!!
UPDATED August 22!!!
Sunday, August 23rd., is 50% OFF On Most EVERYTHING!!
Hahahaha!!! ; )
Oh My...It, was an Amazing Day Today...; )
Can't IMAGINE...What 50% OFF...Will Bring!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!
Numbers at 8:30 a.m. ; ) Doors Open at 9. !!! <3
{It Was So Good to See Carolyn, Jacey, Barb, Polly...'Family'. <3 }
UPDATED August 21!!
Had a Great Day Two!! ; ) STILL Much Beauty! Don't Miss Out On The 25% OFF Bargains...Saturday!!!!
Oh My! <3
This Darling...Couple, bought The AMAZING.... Oil Painting, today. Oh My!!! <3 <3 <3 They were wearing masks, I asked a distance, if I could get a Picture...of Their Smiles!!! PRICELESS! <3 <3 <3
UPDATED August 20!
Great Balls Of Fire! We Had a Smokin' Day 1!!! So Many Great Folks, Through! Great seeing my Southern Iowa Friends....and, Local....Pals, Too! Great Meeting The Iowa City Folks! EVERYONE, was So Kind, and FUN!! : ) They DIG This Amazing French, Italian, Victorian...BLING, as Much as I Do!!! <3 <3 <3 : )
There's STILL Tons Left.... So, Come Check Out The Iowa City Sale! Check out This Home! Many...Are! It's Amazing! It's For Sale!!!!!
I didn't have time to take pictures, but....I Had to take Pictures of The Pretty Girls, who had Fun...Buying Amazing Vintage Clothes. Love It! {There are Mountains, of Awesome....Clothing. : ) }
This Pretty Girl, found the MOST Amazing Vintage...Leather, and Fur...Coat, at the Sale. It's CRAZY GOOD!! She looked Awesome, in It. <3 <3 <3 Barbara, whom it belonged to...would've LOVED, How Much...this Little Girl...Loved Her Beautiful....Coat. <3 <3 <3
This little Gal, had a Blast....Today!!! She Loaded Two Trucks! {yes...There's Still...PLENTY! : )
Don't Miss It!!! <3 <3 <3
Below, are a few images.
{We're gonna Sell it down to the Walls. This Home, is going to Sell. Don't Miss Out. }

The Family...keep bringing More, Daily. ; )
Here, are a few images, from today. We're still unpacking. Pricing, all day, tomorrow.
The above 'Game Table', is from the late 1700's. We'll be taking Sealed Bids, on it. Everything else, will be priced to sell. Below, are a few more amazing...images, of how it 'works'. ; ) Barb, the Lady, whom...these Beautiful, Beautiful...items, belonged to, Loved to Shop for New Orleans. <3 oh my. I was Blessed, to spend a little time, and...have a Personal Tour, of one of New Orleans' Finest, 'M.S. Rau ' ...a few years ago, with Pal, Allyson. <3 Oh My... <3 The Kind, Young Man...even took us, into Their Vault. oh my. <3
{Yes...I'm enjoying every Barb's Lovely...Home. <3 It's For Sale....Come, check it out!!!}
The Amazing. Amazing.
Love...Love...Love, <3 I'd'd guessed that, by now. <3
This is just a Snippet.
I'll be posting a link, to ID # 333408 'Fabulous French Estate Sale' on my Simply Iowa Facebook page, with Many...more images, as well. ; )
There's also...Regular Household, Lovely....Clothing, and...Garden Related Items...on this Sale, too.
Make Attend!
I'll write about the Iowa Hurricane, later...
but, my Gratitude can't wait. 'Thank You', to Those Amazing 'Pole Dancers' <3 <3 <3
Thank You.
May God Bless You, and...Keep You All, Safe.
<3 <3 <3
1 comment:
I'm sorry I don't live in Iowa, I don't even do pink but I about lost my mind when I saw those pink chairs. Snowball and I are thinking about a change and we would have definitely been at that sale and bought those chairs. I hope it did well.
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