Monday, August 31, 2020
The Boxer.
Received a call, from my Dear...Friend, Allyson, yesterday...
before Jethro,, found the Road.
Allyson, is a Psychiatrist...I met her through 'The Rabbit Hole', many, many....years ago.
She has a Love...of 'Old', and 'Soulfulness'. <3 We became fast Friends.
I've traveled with her, over many miles. <3
She's Graciously, Generously... Invited me, to ride along...on several of her Vacations.
New Orleans, Santa Fe, The Outer Banks, Smokey Mountains....and, more.
I, often tease her....and say... "I know the only reason you invite me to go with...: )
You're writing a Book, and I'm your 'Study Subject' ; )
I Expect Royalties, after you Publish It!" : )
She's been Such a my life. John's too. <3 John, adored...her. <3
Allyson, offered to lend a hand, cleaning up.....around here. <3
She...also, wanted to 'Things' are going...'around here'.
oh my.
{She's in 'Disbelief'...too : ( }
As we visited, Muhammad Ali, came to mind.
I, wasn't sure...Allyson would know much about 'Boxing'.
She Did.
: )
My Dad...was a Boxer, when he was in his late teens, and early 20's.
He Loved....the Sport.
He was a 'Hot Dog' Southern Iowa....back, in the Day..
when he rode the rails, to find his Dad, and, hopefully convince him, to help out Dad's Grandparents, who had raised him, as they were losing their Farm, during the Depression,
Dad, 'Boxed'...there, to earn some cash.
Dad, soon learned, he wasn't in Iowa...anymore.
Those Denver, were pretty Stout. ; )
{and, no....Dad's, father....didn't help...his Parents. : ( They lost the Farm. }
Dad...Loved..... Cassius Clay, later...'Muhammad Ali'.
I remember Dad, talking about the 'Sonny Liston/Cassius Clay' Fight, often.
: )
{I bought an old, unused ticket, for that Fight, several years...after Dad...passed away, at an Auction.
I had it framed....loved looking at it, and Much, I would've have given it to Dad, when The Fight, was happening.
Sadly, the Ticket disappeared, when our Kid's were Teens.
Loads of People, always coming...and going. : ( }
As I was talking to Allyson, I brought up...Ali's Fighting Tactics, in his later years.
I've watched So Many...Ali Fights, with my Dad. <3
The 'Rope a Dope'.
; )
I'd sit to Dad, watching Ali, lay...on the Ropes, Take Such Brutal Beatings...
then, when his opponent, was worn down...
Ali, with his Incredible Will, Stamina, and Long....Reach, would Drop...his opponent, to the Mat.
Muhammad Ali, was...'The Greatest'.
In so many...Ways.
He was an my life, like my Dad...and, John.
I've seen them all...Take Such Brutal Beatings, and...somehow, find their feet, and...
Keep on Going. <3 <3 <3
It was watch, but...the Lessons Learned, from their Sacrifices, and...Wisdom, are forever imprinted in my Soul.
Those...are 'The Ropes'...I lean on, these days.
Blessings. Ya,
Barb C.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Drive....and, drive.
Found this little, old..Tin Cookie Cutter, on the ground, when Brandon, and...I, were cleaning up, behind the rabbit hole.
It was packed full...of 'Earth'.
<3 made me smile, when...there wasn't smile about.
: )
The Hen House..Roof.
oh my.
I use the Hen House...for Storage, between Sales, and Shows.
It's full.
The Victorian Porch, is a total loss.
Seems, much....took a Hit, down the rabbit hole.
The Buildings, still Stand.
I reached through the Hen House's broken window...with my phone...trying to get a picture of it's roof, inside.
The...Tree, has completely covered it's door, and...the front, as well.
I couldn't see inside, any other way.
Climbed up, on the ladder, to see if the roof had caved in.
I, just couldn't tell.
The Porch, on the a total loss.
I, remember...constructing that Old....Victorian Porch, on the front....about 20 years ago.
I hired a Young Man, to help me.
I, don't think...he hard a Mad Hatter, works.
; )
This stuff...doesn't just, 'Happen'. ; )
There's a Lot...of Luggin'...Sweat, and...Blood, involved in building a Rabbit Hole.
; )
The Tree, behind the Rabbit Hole, looks like it's going to have to come, completely down.
: (
I'm gonna try to save, every Tree we can.
I extremely Blessed, we are.
So Many, have much more.
: ( still...hurts.
It, truly....does.
It's all starting, to sink
I, was so busy, working on the Iowa City Sale, I couldn't think about any of this....until that was done.
Now, It's Square on my Shoulders.
Along, with the Highway...wrongfulness.
Insurance stuff, for both...the wrongful flooding of our basement, and...the Storm Damage.
I don't like to admit it,'s all...a bit, overwhelming.
I' to find a put all of this 'Brokenness' together, again.
I, don't quite to do that.
I,'s something, that nobody can do...for me.
or, even help me with.
The Rabbit Hole, and...I, are 'One'.
Always have...been, from the beginning.
It's difficult, to explain.
I'll see if I can get some help....getting the brush cut away.
Then, little by little, start picking up the pieces.
Put...things together...again.
Everything, shambles.
I, just...hope, I can put myself back together....enough....
find, a spark...of my Soul, so....
I can 'Imagine', 'Create'...again.
That...scares the hell out of me.
I'm afraid...I don't have any....of that, left...anymore.
I, never knew...what a Gift, that was...until, I couldn't 'Feel', anymore.
oh my.
There's such a 'dead'...and awful...gaping...hole, in my heart.
Thanks, Fairfax City Hall...and IDOT.
Mother Nature...has Nothin'...on You.
Bless your hearts.
I'm gonna get going.
Need to see the Kids.
Missed Grandson, Keeden's 5th Birthday, last week.
Need to go see him.
I need to check on all of the Kids.
I'll do that, today.
Drive...and, drive...and,
Jethro, will be my 'Church'
Tomorrow... I'll take Aim, on the rest. Ya.
Barb C.
{Dear Friend, Patti...called this morning, as I was writing. <3 We visited, for a Long..Long...time.
We Pray...for each other. <3 Sure do Love...Her. What a Blessing, she is. <3 }
Friday, August 28, 2020
Fire...Away, Boys.
Me, Helper...Brandon, and...Jethro, nearly Choked....on the 'Wrongful Dust', from Fairfax's Trail....and The IDOT's...Wrongful...Accommodations, today.
Bless Their Hearts. ; )
oh my.
Life. It's All...about 'The Journey'.
Got everything wrapped up, at the Iowa City Estate Sale, yesterday.
I purchased one, of the Beautiful Chandeliers...and the little concrete Elf, along with a handful of other little things, at the end of the sale.
Pal, Bill...took down the Chandeliers, that sold, yesterday....That, was Fun.
Oh My.
: )
The one I purchased was attached about 16 feet, in the air.
{He wouldn't let me take pictures...of him doing his acrobatic stunts. ; ) hahahaha!}
When we were getting ready to leave, I sat outside, in my Favorite Spot, on Barbara's Patio.
: )
It's so
That house, is going to make someone...a Very, Happy Home.
Beautiful location, I've said numerous times, the Neighbors...are Amazing.
Helper, Brandon...has been working around our Home, cleaning up Storm debris, as I've been away.
Thank God...for Him.
He's coming out,, I'll be able to work with him, and hopefully...we can get a lot done.
Another Storm is gonna blow through this afternoon.
I'm sure, we'll lose more limbs. Many, are very precarious, from the August 10th. Storm.
I told Son, Justin...after the last Storm, when he was trying to get everything a hurry,
"This, is a Marathon, not...a Sprint."
It's gonna take time.
So many Folks, from the last Sale...want to come to the rabbit hole.
There's no way.
It's been closed, for so long, because of the highway construction.
That Wrongful...Trail, has decimated the rabbit hole, our Home....and, my life.
I'm not sure, how to pick up all of the broken pieces.
I've always been pretty good, at making a 'Silk Purse...out of a Sow's Ear'....
This time, it's gonna be pretty tuff.
There's not much 'Ear' work with.
Loads, of Wrongful...Heartbreak, though.
It's so difficult, to 'Create'....put pieces back together,'re in 'pieces'...yourself..
So much Loss....on so many levels, for so long.
I used to have 'vision'...and could 'see' a project 'done'...before I moved a piece.
Kind of, I...guess, like an Artist, looking at a blank Canvas, can 'see' their Painting completed...before their brush touches the canvas.
My Canvas, isn't 'blank'.
I, have to work through...the disgusting 'Art', the IDOT, and Fairfax, has so very wrongfully Smeared, Butchered...and Destroyed, my 'Canvas'.
I, don't know begin.
Haven't figured out, do that.
Finding...the 'Soul' even pick up 'the brush' daunting. I told our Son, this isn't a Sprint.
I'll have to do...what I can, the best...I can...over time.
Some days, I've learned, since this began, with Fairfax, and the IDOT, 4 years ago...
just climbing out of bed in the morning, may be the best I can do.
I'll have to be ok, with that.
{That's the hard part.}
I've thought about...things, a lot...over the last, many years.
I've thought...about why, am I so....persistent, passionate, about this wrongful IDOT, and Fairfax, mess.
I,'s about Accepting Things, I can't change.
I, can't change Storms, or their damages.
I, accept that.
I, can't change...a virus.
I, accept that.
I, can't change...when The Lord, decides....when it's Time, for those we Love...So Deeply,
to go Home... to Him.
It's been difficult, but, I can...accept that.
I believe...I Can, and...Should, do what I Can, my stop this 'Wrongfulness'.
Hold people to their Word.
Not...doing the 'Right' thing, is Not...Acceptable.
Giving Up, on What's Right, is Not....Acceptable.
Living with Avoidable Not, Acceptable.
You see... what's happening here, will also affect many other Innocent People, on many levels, in the future, if this situation is not corrected.
If...I walked away, threw up my hands, I couldn't forgive myself, when...other's suffer wrongful dealings, and.....when tragedy strikes,
{sadly, it will.}
so wrongfully, so...needlessly, that...could've been so easily corrected, if only...Anyone, from the IDOT, or..Fairfax, City Hall...would've cared, and kept their word.
I, frustrating This has been for my Family, Friends...'Loved Ones', to watch.
That...makes me sad.
: (
It hasn't been a 'Picnic' for me, either.
My health, Home, Business, Soul, have suffered, too.
when someone loses 'Their' Loved to this Highway, I want to Know, in my Heart...
I did Everything I Could, to Prevent That.
When Promised something, a Recorded Agreement,
those Promises, should be kept.
Sadly...This Was All Settled, Legally.
the IDOT Breached our recorded Settlement Agreement, that Stated there shall be No Trail on The Bridge, that adjoins our Land, or...on any of the Land, taken from us, for this Highway Project.
I watched the IDOT build it anyway. : ( : ( : ( Wrongfully. Unjustly.
I watched them Take more Land, and Trees, than were necessary, according to the Engineer who created this plan, for the IDOT, In Writing, and.... Solely for Fairfax's Trail. : ( : ( : (
I tried, and stop them. They kept denying there was a Trail, as I...watched them build it.
Have You Any Crushing, that's been?
I couldn't Live...with the regrets, if I didn't proceed.
I, those, who've done Everything in their power, to do what's 'Wrong', in this case...
will be able to 'live'...with themselves, when tragedy strikes, knowing...they could've prevented it.
Guess...that's not something I can be concerned with, that's between them, and God.
That's their...'Journey'.
I've given them...all of the information, and...done all I can, to save them...from future regrets.
I'm so sorry, for them. I,
I, wouldn't wish...the kind of regrets, they may have to live with, if things aren't made 'Right'...
on anyone. all about the Journey.
This is Mine.
I'm weary...and, deeply sad.
I'm moving forward.
Stay Tuned.
Please, Pray for me.
I need all the Help...I can get.
I've got to see it through. best., at a time.
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{In the top video, from yesterday, you'll see the trail, is NEXT to the Highway, with No Division. Not 15 feet from the traveled portion of the Highway, as the IDOT Stated, to 2018.
I stated to the Cyclist, in the second video, that there are 9,000 Vehicles, a day, in front of our Home... there's closer to 13,000, according to the IDOT's Traffic Counts.}
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Before....Fairfax's Trail, The IDOT is Building for Them...and...After. oh my. 'Encroachment', seems to be the 'Word', for Today. {Wrongful...Encroachment.}
{That's Fairfax's Suicide...Trail, to the right, that the IDOT Built for Them. ; ) }
{Bless their hearts. ; ) }
The IDOT, while making accommodations, for Fairfax's Suicide Trail....
have placed our Home, and Business's In A MOTE.
{I, tried, and tell them All, at District 6, Newman...Staebler...AJ, and...Schnoebelen...{I'm sure...I'm spelling that last name, wrong. ; ) So....Sorry. ; ) }
Oh My.
; )
Ditches...are Gone.
So, is our Drainage.
{so is Any Protection...from Vehicles...Plowing Into Our Home, and Business's.}
I...See, in my Crystal Ball...
; )
{The IDOT's Negligence, while Wrongfully Accommodating...Fairfax, for Their Trail....has Flooded us, 3 Times, in as Many..Months. : (
4, counting the Prior Condemnation, 25 years ago
Boys, Boys...
; )
Water Doesn't Run Uphill.
; )
All of 'This', made me think of the 'Davina, and the Vagabond's' Tune...
'Black Cloud'
I've had the Pleasure, to spend a little time, with Davina.
; )
; )
Fun. <3
Davina Loved Mary's Coat, too. ; )
![]() ![]() |
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
{Please...keep Iowa, in Your Prayers. <3 }
{I'll have to post 'Lipstick, and Chrome', above...too. <3 My Favorite, 'Davina'...Tune. : )
Great Memories.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Every time we conduct these Estate Sales, there's Lessons Learned.
The Iowa City Sale, taught me much.
The Home, and Furnishings..were Beautiful.
As I'd written, earlier..when I first saw the Beautiful Furnishings, I told Mary Beth, Barbara's Daughter,
'If...I were a Wealthy Woman...I'd cut Ya a check...and buy it All.'
: )
Her Mother, and I..have very similar taste. <3
We never buy anything before the Sale. Nor, do our Helpers.
That's Our Rule.
Customer's First.
That, can be very painful, I know.
Most of the time, what we would really like to purchase, sells...the first, or second day.
The strange this sale..after working there, in that Beauty...every day, then...coming Home, to our 'Home', I realized how Incredibly Blessed, I am.
The house, is dusty...from the construction.
It's So Battered, outside,
I wouldn't trade any of it, for Barbara's.
or, anyone else's....either.
I'm sure, many of Barbara's Treasures, were worth more money, than what we have.
but, what I've brought into our Home...has never been chosen for their monetary value, or...their 'Perfection'.
is the deciding factor.
There was a Lot...of Soulfulness, at Barbara's....too.
I, managed to purchase a few little, Soulful...Treasures, at the end, of the Sale. <3
The Lesson, {one of many} I learned...from this sale, is how Very Much...I need to remember, 'Appreciate', what we have.
I, often Truly Blessed, we are.
Take things for granted.
: (
When it's my turn, to have an 'Estate Sale', I'm sure...many will scratch their heads, wondering why...some of these things, meant so much to me.
: )
Well, I hope...our Children, will be like Mary Beth, and...explain. <3
The Love...of Old.
The Soulfulness.
The Memories, of Gathering Trips.
The sleeping on a Porch, for three nights, in my be number One, in the door at an Estate Sale.
The Miles...and Miles...and, Miles.
Great Ones.
The Auctions, and...'Barn Diggin'.
: )
When I look around the house, I not only see 'Soulfulness', I see 'Faces'.
The Folks, who have the Most...Precious Pieces....knowing, how very much....
I Appreciate them.
The Folks, I've so enjoyed...purchasing 'Soulfulness'...from.
I, told Mary Beth, that's why I won't buy from someone who rubs me the wrong way.
Not...for our Home.
I'd 'see' them...too. ; )
Only Good Vibes, in our Home.
Everything, seems kinda forlorn...around Home.
We've been through A Lot, over the last several years.
yet...I wouldn't trade...Any of it...away.
That, was a Lovely...Lesson, to learn.
Grandson, Justin...came to Barbara's Sale.
I was eating lunch, in the Beautiful Kitchen, when he arrived.
When he found me, his eyes were Big as Saucers.
: )
He said... "Whoever lives Here...must be Very Rich!!"
I, smiled, and said... "Yes, she was. Just like You, and Me. <3
She Loved this 'Beauty', like You..Love Your Fishin'. <3
You, are So Rich, to have such a Great Love...for the Outdoors,
Hunting...and Fishing.
It's called 'Passion for Life'. You Have That...
You, Too... are Very 'Rich'."
He 'Got' It.
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
{Please keep Iowa in your Prayers. <3 }
Monday, August 24, 2020
Please...Pray for Iowa.
August 10th., was a mighty tuff day, for our area.
Daughter, Liz...and Adam, pretty much, lost their Home, in Elberon.
They are Safe.
Son, Justin, and Katie, had substantial damage, to their Home.
They...are Safe.
Most everyone I know, in the center of the State, Lost.
Some, lost....Everything. Everything.
I, was sitting in a Block Constructed Car Wash, with Jethro.
I kept his windows down, so the wind could blow through him.
Pal, Dale...had called just before the Storm hit, and warned me to take cover.
I'm grateful...he did.
There was no warning.
It was like something I'd never seen.
Lasted for nearly 40 minutes, with sustained winds up to 140 mph., in our area.
I took a couple of videos, I'll post one..above, of mine, and Jethro's...Storm 'Moments'.
; )
I thought, it might be my Last...Video.
Thought, me, and Jethro...might take One of The Wildest Rides, Ever.
our...Last One, Too. ; )
When I left the Car Wash... I was only a mile from home.
I, wondered...if anything was left of our home, and buildings.
I saw building, after building..destroyed.
I felt like 'Scarlett', in 'Gone With the Wind'...when she was trying to see if 'Tara'...was still standing, after The War.
'Is it still standing...Is it...Still...There????"
I, saw the Barn...then, the Shop...Then...the House....and, finally...The Rabbit Hole.
<3 <3 <3
Even..the Greenhouses, Are Standing!!!
Lost a little glass, and...had some roof damage, many...Trees.
Everything is Standing.
<3 <3 <3
Everyone, in my Safe.
<3 <3 <3
That also includes Scout, Peanut...and Baby Kitty.
<3 <3 <3
The next 7 days were kinda ruff.
No Power, No Water, No Phone, No Internet, No Fuel...
When I could finally find fuel, a couple of days after the storm, I went to check on the Kids.
Then...hauled water home, and carried it by the pail....inside.
{Flushing The a Big...Deal. ; ) }
{The above image...was about Day 6, without Power. ; )
I woke up with the Sun... that morning, took my hair down, for the first time...since the storm.
No Bra...No Makeup...Puffy Eyes, from Sweltering...Heat! Skinned forehead, from taking a Dive, on Peanut's Cable, by the back door, onto the limestone entryway. ; ) {wish I could say it happened during something heroic.... nope. Just call me, 'Grace'. : ) }
All Was Right With The World!
Thanks to Liz, and Adam...still having Water...
Adam filled these container's up, lined with Contractor Garbage Bags, tied shut...
so I wouldn't Spill a Precious... Drop....!
{Used to have to haul water to the Horses, this way. ; ) Thank God...I'm a Country Girl! <3 }
I Had about 50 Gallons of Water, on the Ford.
I Knew...I could Make It...Another Week!
I cook with this Beautiful....Stove. <3
She's about 120 years old.
She COOKS, no Matter. : ) Wood/Gas Combination. ; )
We didn't go hungry. ; )
I tried to cook up, what I could, and give it away.
LORD...I Hate to throw 'Food'...away. : (
in the end, I had to.
It's amazing how little, one... truly 'needs', to get by.
I think I could manage fine, without power.
but...I need a 'hand pump', well pump.
Water, is a Big....Deal.
Below, are a few images of our damages.
I, still don't have a list, for the damages...from the Flooded Basement.
Now, another list....for spoiled food, and....storm damages.
: (
The Insurance Adjuster's, are losing their minds, I'm sure.
: (
May God Bless..our Agent, Neighbor Insurance, in Hiawatha.
I had no phone, but...when I could get fuel, and find a place with cell service, I got a hold of her.
She had already put claims in, for me, and Two of our Kids, who Insure...with her.
Oh My.
<3 <3 <3
Few had any cell, or landline service, for DAYS.
{Pal, Bill..JUST got Power, two days ago. There are over a thousand, in the Cedar Rapids area, still...without power. : (
Over Two Hundred Start With.
Those Linemen, are AMAZING!!! We Know...they are Doing Their Best! I Honk, Wave...and Give a Thumb's Up...every time I see them working along the roads. May God Bless Them, and Keep Them Safe!!! }
The Cedar Rapids area, I hear...lost nearly 70% of the Trees. It's like the Twilight Zone.
It's...been crazy.
Then, throw an Estate The Mix. oh my.
I'll be writing more, about this...Mess, soon.
Please....Pray, for Iowa.
<3 ya.
Barb C.
Iowa Hurricane Damages, at our Home.
We lost several Trees, one Huge Locust, put a limb on the roof of the house.
Put several holes in the roof.
When the Guys came to get the branch off, it hit the house so hard, the old, old...Black Forest Cuckoo Clock, fell to the floor, in Justin's old Bedroom. It's a mess. It also broke the window, in Justin's room.
This is the new Trail for Fairfax, The IDOT is accommodating for Them, where the green Mesh is.
Our where the Red Roof, is.
The Trees, took a Hit.
Somehow, seeing Mother Nature 'Trim' Trees, isn't nearly as painful...
as watching the IDOT Wrongfully Butcher, and Wrongfully TAKE Them.
It's sad, to lose them in a Storm,
but.... Sickeningly Putrid, to have them Unjustly Taken.
The gone. destroyed.
Tree down on Scout's Fence.
Tree fell on The Shop. Put holes and creases.
My Beautiful Dancer, Fountain...gone. She was from California, nearly 6 feet tall.
Grateful...for Kind Neighbors.
Cindy, and Jay.
The Rabbit Hole, took a Hit.
Curled some of the tin on the roof of the Barn. Blew the doors in, and out.
Much...broken Statuary.
Tree on The Hen House.
We just keep piling the branches in the ditch.
The Rabbit Hole.
{I write too much. : ) all I should really say, is....
'Look what The IDOT has 'Done'...'Butchered'' 'Wrongfully Taken'....'SOLELY.'...To Accommodate Fairfax, for Their 'Wrongful'...'SUICIDE TRAIL' ; ) }
I have a Major...Problem...with 'Liars'. ; )
Uh Oh.
: (
Everyone knows it. Including The IDOT, and...Fairfax, City Hall.
Bless their hearts.
The IDOT has substantially raised the elevation of highway 151 solely to make accommodations for Fairfax's Trail, wrongfully, according to our recorded Settlement Agreement, under the bridge that adjoins our Land.
In doing so...they have raised the elevation of not only the now....MASSIVE Bridge, {also, breaching our recorded Settlement Agreement, as the IDOT has put Fairfax's Trail, On that Bridge. uh oh. : ( }
Stallman Drive, is Also...Much Higher, {To Meet the Higher Elevation, Solely to Accommodate Fairfax's Trail Under the Bridge} and Much More Dangerous, after the IDOT redesigned it, {Poorly} as well.
Very Sad.
Now...with No Ditch...the Rabbit Hole, sit's in a BASIN.
I've told Newman, Staebler, and AJ, from District 6, {Along with Many Others, from District 6.} All of This...NUMEROUS Times....both, in writing, and verbally.
{Remember...Boys, water doesn't run uphill. }
Deaf Ears.
: (
Warned them all about the Tiles, and Gutter Drains.
Deaf Ears.
Our Home...has Flooded 3 Times, in as many months...because...they don't listen, and don't care.
They all know it. They Don't Care.
The huge hole, they open the drain tile, after their Negligence flooded our basement, still isn't fixed.
It's sitting in an open Pit.
It Can't Drain Freely, Openly.
Should we get big rain, that 'pit' will fill, and put all of the muddy water, right back in the basement.
They Don't Care.
The IDOT Doesn't Care About Anyone's Safety, or...Well Being.
For the IDOT, to Tout, in their brochures, that 'Safety is Priority One', with them....makes me Nauseous.
I've Begged Them, for Safety Studies concerning the Trail they are Building for Fairfax... {Wrongfully} They Refuse.
{So did The Mayor, and Council, in Fairfax. Even...if I Paid for it.}
{Newman, from District 6, told me there was a safety study conducted for the new Stallman Drive {Poor} design, when I raised so many concerns about it's safety.
After waiting nearly 3 months, to see it, he told me, there actually.. isn't one.
Of course not.
All of this, is reckless endangerment. I've warned them all, Over, and over.
In writing, and...verbally.
At Numerous Open City Council Meetings, as well.
NONE of my Concerns were the Minutes, Even....when I was on the Agenda.
Guess, people will have to lose their lives before they do anything.
Sadly, there will be many.
It's All...on Them.
Shame...on Every One Of Them.
My Kinda Angel, now. : ) He lost a Wing.
This one, lost his head, and...wing. I...'Get' Him....too.
Feed shed, lost a bunch of roofing.
Poor old Cuckoo. : (
Drove to visit Dad's Grave, a couple of days, after the storm.
When I could finally find fuel.
Made a delivery to Fern Hill, and the Girls.... Graciously allowed me to use their wifi, to update the Estate Sale information.
I took the back roads, Home, so I could go by the cemetery.
I, never expected to see Dad's Stone, on the ground...
That, was devastating.
{Mom's Ashes are here, in the House. So are John's. Wish...Dad's were. : ( }
I tried to lift it. It probably weighs 500 pounds.
Then, called Son, Justin...thought between him, Eric, Brandon...and myself, we could get it set back up.
Then, I thought...better.
I'm going to have to find someone to professionally re-set it.
I, couldn't see it get broken.
There's been too many broken hearts, already.
I captured this image...while driving Home, from the Estate Sale, night before last. <3
It was Home.
I thought of my Dear Friend, Kate...when...I saw it.
I, also...felt Very Blessed, to See It.
{Like Kate, John...Peg. <3 The 'Soulful'...Folks, I've been so Very Blessed to Love. <3
{and, be 'Loved' by. <3 <3 <3 ]
would 'Advise'...
We Must...Keep Looking Up. <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
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