Didn't feel like writing much...this Evening.
Didn't feel like doing much...of anything, today.
I sat down...and started going through photos, and ran across some of my favorite quotes.
Most...I found, over the years on FB.
So, decided to let them speak.
They, make me smile.
: )
Encourage me, when...times get tuff, and my back's against the wall.
When, most everyone around me...for my own well being, I...know, would rather I quit, than watch me struggle.
These little quotes, and....memories,
remind me, that Life...is all about The Journey.
Especially...on the days, I'd rather take a seat, than Stand.
There's been many, of 'those'...days, over the last several years.
I've never once, regretted 'Standing'.
from not standing up, for what's right,
worry me far more,
than any battle.
I...Hope, they bring a Smile...to You, as well.
: )
Give a little encouragement, to keep moving forward.
We All... struggle, now and then.
That's how we learn, grow...build strength, and... wisdom, to be able withstand the next...
I remember, in my 'Streams in The Desert'...reading,
how 'It's the Weights, on the old...Grandfather Clock, that make it Go.'
Without those weights, the Clock...would be worthless.
They, give the movement power.
That's how God...Works.
<3 <3 <3
Nothing comes to us, that hasn't come through Him, first.
It's all...about The Journey.
We...Never, walk alone.
I don't believe we should be looking for a seat,
when we're 'Asked'...to 'Stand'.
Love...to Ya,
Barb C.
Not what, I've 'let go' of. Only... What's been 'Taken'.... wrongly. |
Always...are. : ) |
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Just ran across this quote, recently. It's so true. |
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