Friday, June 21, 2019

The Story...of The Rabbit Hole.

 To begin this 'Story'...of 'The Rabbit Hole',
I can't start it, at the beginning.
: )
I have to 'begin' the middle. 
: )
Many, many...years ago, some Dear Girls, from Colorado...used to make a Special Trip...yearly, to come visit the 'Shop'. 
One year, they brought a Friend.
As they were travelling here, the Friend kept asking them, they keep coming back???
One of the Girls said...
"I can't explain it, what it's like....
It's like 'Alice in Wonderland'...and, Falling down the rabbit hole."
I, smiled... when 'The Friend', shared that with me.
{I, had No Idea...what that meant. I'd never read the book, or...seen the movie.}
I, hoped...that, that...was a compliment. ; )
Shortly, after... the 2010 Alice in Wonderland, Movie came out, with Depp.
Daughter, Liz...and I, went to see it.
{I Had to Know... 'what', that comment, meant.}
We sat there... watching....
Looked at Each Other, and...realized Tim Burton, must have visited The Shop.
It, was Unreal.
I 'knew'...Every Character, in the Movie.
The parallels...were Too Close. 
Peg, was The Mad....March Hare.
John... was the 'Smoking Caterpillar'...
I, was...The Mad Hatter, and....sometimes, Alice. 
I won't say who the other Characters, least...not now.
I knew....
The Shop, was no longer...'The Shop',
'The Rabbit Hole'.
: )
Now...we'll go back, to the Beginning.
: )
When John moved here, in the late 1970's, 
he was told... a former Owner, hanged himself....
in the 1960's
in a shed, out in the pasture.
John, tore the shed down.
I, was having a Garage Sale, the 1990's, 
and was visiting with a customer, he told me....
he remembered when the Man, who used to live here...
 committed suicide.
He didn't hang himself.
He shot the Kitchen, of our Home.
That, was the truth.
: ( : ( : ( 
Several years....went by.
It was the 20 Teens.
I was visiting with a Beloved, Neighbor,
 who's lived in Fairfax...for many, many...decades,
I, asked him... 
if he knew anything about the Man, who committed suicide, here.
He did.
He said... the Man, was very nice. : )
He decided, to raise Rabbits.
Someone...some, Slick Talker...sold him a Lot, of Rabbits.
Not, just a few....
Hundreds, and...
The Man, was going to Raise...Rabbits, here.
My Neighbor, said...
From our House....
to the Corner, {where 'The Rabbit Hole', sits....}
There were Rows...and Rows...and Rows...
of Rabbit Hutches, the Man...hired built.
Turned out, the Slick Talker...sold him all...Male Rabbits.
The people in Fairfax, made Fun of him.
He was 'The Joke'...of Fairfax.
He couldn't take it.
It, Broke...
: (
My Neighbor, said... how Sorry...he always felt, about the 'Way'...the Man, was treated.
: (
When my Neighbor....shared that story, with me....
I, can't tell you, how Things...went 
'Click...Click...Click', in my mind.
Seems, this 'Ground'....
has a Long Run, with....
When I think about, how Tormented....he must've been, well...I understand. : ( 
I've been, trying to Protect...
'The Rabbit Hole', from 'Fairfax', too.
I, know...quite a Bit, about being 'Tormented'. 
I guess...some things....never, change.
It Stops...
with me.
I won't Allow, 'Slick Talkers'...or 'Scoundrels' 
Near Us.
{City Hall}
I can Sniff Them Out, a Coon Hound.
; )
I'll Fight Them, to The Gates of Hell.
; )
Someone asked me today... if I have a 'Security System'.
I, said... matter of factly, 
"Yes, I do. : ) 'God'."
That, little rabbit hole, has been such a Blessing, and 'Sanctuary'.
It, Always...will be.
I'm so Sorry, for the Man, who...lost, all hope.
: ( : ( : (  
I'm Thankful...for his Journey. <3
He's not...Forgotten. 
The Story, 
The True....
'The Rabbit Hole'.
<3 <3 <3 Ya,
Barb C.

{There are no... coincidences, in Life.
Everything....happens, for a reason.
It's...'All', about the 'Journey'. <3
John, and I...took a lot....of Beatings growing up.
We, won't put up...with anymore. }

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