Sunday, June 30, 2019


Spent a few hours...working down the rabbit hole, today.
: )
It...was Toasty!
Like my Mom...would say...
"I was Sweatin' Like a Butcher!!!".
: )
Started resetting areas, and found some Soulfulness....
I'd completely, forgotten. 
That, little rabbit hole, is...saturated, with 'Soul'. 
It, <3
: ) ya,
Barb C.
I deleted a very
It'll be written in the book, someday.
As I look back, on our lives... the one word, I can come up with....
is, 'Surprising'. 
I used the word 'frightening', when, I meant... surprising.
Most Folks, have no idea... how serious I am.
That's...probably the most surprising thing.
I've had to be. 
If I don't take things, very seriously, and work very hard.... things don't get done.
I, wish... I could be more easy going.... like my Dad, was. 
<3 <3 <3  

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