Sunday, June 30, 2019
Spent a few hours...working down the rabbit hole, today.
: )
It...was Toasty!
Like my Mom...would say...
"I was Sweatin' Like a Butcher!!!".
: )
Started resetting areas, and found some Soulfulness....
I'd completely, forgotten.
That, little rabbit hole, is...saturated, with 'Soul'.
It, <3
: ) ya,
Barb C.
I deleted a very
It'll be written in the book, someday.
As I look back, on our lives... the one word, I can come up with....
is, 'Surprising'.
I used the word 'frightening', when, I meant... surprising.
Most Folks, have no idea... how serious I am.
That's...probably the most surprising thing.
I've had to be.
If I don't take things, very seriously, and work very hard.... things don't get done.
I, wish... I could be more easy going.... like my Dad, was.
<3 <3 <3
Heading Down...The Rabbit Hole, for...a bit.
It's Hotter than Heck,
I'm going to work, for as long as I can... but, it may long.
; )
I'll write a longer post, this Evening.
Had, a 'Meltdown', Friday night....
: )
Peg, has seen me Lid, a time or two. : )
She, was sooooo the Mad March Hare!
: )
It takes a Lot, to get the Old, Mad Hatter's Head Twisted....
but, once it happens,
Peg... would RUN!!!
{Most, do.}
She could Feel The Explosion Coming!!!
Long, before Most!
Yep, my 'Safety Valve'...BLEW Straight out of the Top on my Head!!!
It was a cumulative, thing.
Months, and Months...of looking the other way.
{Which, I Rarely...discuss.
Everyone has their minds 'Made Up','s argue.}
The City of Fairfax, and...Chickens.
: )
Mix that, with a little wine,
{when I say 'Wine', I mean Gin, and Tonic'. : ) }
Holy Smokes!!!
All Hell is Gonna Break Loose!!!
I, only....BLOW, once, in a Very...Great While, unless provoked, unmercifully.
Fairfax, has been 'unmerciful'.
Almost Three Years, of Poking.
So, Facebook, got an Ear Full!!!
I'm, sorry for that.
: (
My last Raw Nerve, had been attacked.
oh dear.
: )
So, today... I'm heading to The Rabbit Hole.
I, don't allow any....politics there.
It's a Neutral Zone.
; )
So, I'm Divin' In...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Friday, June 28, 2019
One a Time.
Gettin' ready to head down the rabbit hole, this morning, before it gets cookin' outside!
Didn't get much done, yesterday...hope, to make some strides, this morning.
I was just looking through some old pictures.... from my blog, and picked a few fun ones...from 'yesterdays'.
: )
Some, are of the rabbit hole.
Some, are of me. : )
Some..of Peg, The Girls...Katie and Liz.
Several...of our 'Ford Family'. : ) <3
When I stopped to get gas, yesterday.... a young Man, was parked across from me.
He started up a conversation, like he knew me.
: )
Turns out, he did.
He remembered talking to me at The Johnson Ave. Hy Vee, Grocery Store....a couple of years ago...
when I was driving The Gypsy Ford.
{I, couldn't remember. : (
but, then.... I, Everyone. : ) : ) : ) oh...dear. : ) }
He said... "I probably don't look the same." I, said...
"I don't either! My Hair Changes Color, like The Flavor of The Month!!!"....
Hahahaha! : )
I'd bet...he remembered 'The Gypsy'...Ford, far more than me.
: )
He asked me about her, and remembered her, Very...Well!
I was driving The Flatbed Ford, yesterday...
but, that old...Gypsy Ford, isn't easy to forget.
Our... Peg. <3 <3 <3 |
Had a dream, about Peg...night before last.
She'd called me, I was in the middle of, told her...I'd call her back.
When I did... she was half laughing, and half...crying.
She said...
" we go again...." and was going to tell me something.
I burst out in tears... sobbing,
thinking, she was going to tell me, her cancer was back.
Then, I woke up.
I never heard...what she was trying to tell me.
I called her Beloved, Michael... as soon as I got up.
I, was concerned...maybe, something had happened to him.
: (
He'd crossed my mind, so often...lately.
He, was fine..., fine, as he can be.... but, there was something going on, I'm's going to be okay, tho. : )
We visited, for a long...long, time. <3
He, misses Peg, so. : ( : ( : (
I, wish...I could tell him, that it'll get better. The pain, and loss...will subside.
All, I could Michael, is that I Love Him... : )
and, we just need to keep busy, and find...Beauty in every day.
One a Time.
I reminded pay attention, for 'The Winks'. : )
Peg, Loved Michael... So. <3 <3 <3
{So many times, over the years, while Peg and I...lost ourselves, down the rabbit hole....
we'd sit down, and visit, and confess, to each other, how BLESSED we both were, to have found the Only Two Men, on This Planet...who would Put Up, with Us!!! <3 : ) <3 : ) <3 : )
Our Shenanigans....
oh my.
: ) }
I, know... she's not far from Michael's side. <3 <3 <3
As frightening as the dream was, it was sure Good, to hear Peg's voice.
: )
I still have the picture, above... in the shop.
: )
Just looked at it, the other day.
I understand...that one, very well.
I'd bet...many of us do.
Off to Work, I go.
: )
I hope, Wherever...You, 'Find',
you'll also...
'Find' a little 'Beauty', in well. : )
It's there.
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{The Rabbit Hole, is 'My Church'. Sanctuary.
It, was for Peg...and, several others... over the years.
: )
Peg, and I...used to laugh, that our Angel Wings, were probably down to charred, feathers, from Swearing, Smokin'...and...sometimes, Drinkin'....a little, too much. : )
We were always so Thankful, to Those... who Pray for Us...with Beautiful...Glistening White, Wings. <3 <3 <3
I, thought of the Tune...above, 'My Church', by Maren Morris, as I was headin' out the door, to
My Church.
{The 'Road', and... Old Fords...are also, my 'Sanctuaries'. <3 <3 <3 }
{The Rabbit Hole, is 'My Church'. Sanctuary.
It, was for Peg...and, several others... over the years.
: )
Peg, and I...used to laugh, that our Angel Wings, were probably down to charred, feathers, from Swearing, Smokin'...and...sometimes, Drinkin'....a little, too much. : )
We were always so Thankful, to Those... who Pray for Us...with Beautiful...Glistening White, Wings. <3 <3 <3
I, thought of the Tune...above, 'My Church', by Maren Morris, as I was headin' out the door, to
My Church.
{The 'Road', and... Old Fords...are also, my 'Sanctuaries'. <3 <3 <3 }
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
I'd do It....All The Same.
It's been a bit, Crazy...
the last couple of days.
: )
Lot's of Movin' and Shakin'. : )
I've been making deliveries...
Visiting, Friends...
Cutting Brush...until my, way...too...soft, body....
{That, Fall...and recovery....really, took it's toll.
Trying to find my 'feet'...again, has been mighty tuff.
I, keep reminding myself, that...I'm fortunate to be alive, be Patient. : )
Patience... isn't one my best qualities. ; ) }
Grandson, Justin... helped me trim, and cut
He's a 'Little Man'. : )
He, Soooo wants to Help, Grandma. : ) <3
He works, so hard. : )
It was so, I thought we needed to stop, around 1, and visit the D.Q.
Justin...agreed. : )
When we returned...
I, had to keep working, down the rabbit hole.
Called Justin, and help situate the early 1900's Gypsy Painted, Murals.
Trying to make a Path...for The Boys, and...The Murals...well, That was a Trick.
: )
Had to Move...a Million Things, before they could Move.
; )
The Rabbit Hole, is....Truly, a 'Rabbit Hole'.
A Toasty,
I'll be fluffing, and re-setting, this week. the day.
It's Hot.
Nearly July, in Iowa...
can get get a little 'Thick'.
I had The Boys bring in this...Old, old...
Farmhouse Jelly Cupboard.
: )
It' Soulful.
I bought it, a couple of months ago.
Just...gave it a Bath. : )
It, wasn't quite dry...when I took it's picture.
: )
It was too hot, at wait.
: )
Slowly...with help,
from Grandson, Justin...
and, The Boys...
I'll Git'er Done. : )
: ) Ya,
Barb C.
When I pulled in the Drive, after making Deliveries...on Monday,
I sat there...
a Tune, crossed my mind.
It wasn't on the radio.
It...just, hit me.
Ya, know....
I never...planned on Loving Anyone.
I had my Life... Mapped Out, when I was 12 years old.
I planned on Driving Truck...get Paid, to See The Country.
: )
I, Love Driving.
I Love....
The Bigger, The Better!!!!
I, never planned on having Children.
I, live my life...alone.
That, all changed, when I fell in Love...with John.
<3 <3 <3
John, was my First Love...,
and Only...
I remember, our Daughter...Liz, asking me, about something...I'd quoted to her, many she grew up.
When, her tender heart...was Broken.
"It's better to have Loved....and, lost, than to never have all."
After, losing John...
I've questioned that, many...many....times.
: ( : ( : (
Losing John, has...been the Most Heartbreaking...
'Journey', of my life.
{I've known, 'Loss', a Lot...throughout my life. }
I've never...'Known', Losing...John.
Somehow, I never saw this coming.
I, don't know...what, I thought.
Maybe, we'd die, Together. : )
{We, mostly...did. }
I, never...imagined, we'd be apart.
Not, for a Moment.
: (
Somehow, I never saw this coming.
I, don't know...what, I thought.
Maybe, we'd die, Together. : )
{We, mostly...did. }
I, never...imagined, we'd be apart.
Not, for a Moment.
: (
So, like the Song...says,
Had I Known...
my Heart, would Break...
I, Would've Loved You...
<3 <3 <3
Monday, June 24, 2019
Let 'The Journey'...'Take' You.
One, never knows....
what, One...will find,
on Impromptu Journeys.
Maybe, that's why I like them...the best.
My Dad...was described as a person who always traveled by The Seat of his Pants.
: )
I, grew up...'traveling'...right there, beside him.
Dad, might have plans to go to an Auction...
then, he'd see something...enroute, that would take us completely in another other direction.
We might wind up...stopping at an old Farm, that looked interesting.
Dad would walk up to their door, and ask about an old Truck, or Tractor... in their Junk Pile.
Many times, we'd stay, and visit, with the Folks, there....
for Hours. : )
We'd be taken on a tour, of their Farm...
and, sit the end of the day,
after being invited to stay for Supper.
: )
Never make it to the all.
I, so enjoyed....listening to Dad, and whatever Folks, we'd happen to meet,
and, reminisce.
I've done that, most of my life...too.
The best 'Journeys'...are the ones, that 'Take' you.
Not, the ones... 'You' take, I've learned.
Even, when I order food, at a place, that I never been, that's... 'different'.
I, will often ask the Cook, or decide, what I should eat.
: )
I've never been disappointed.
: )
I was so Blessed, to have had my Dad.
Life, was Adventure.
Yesterday, tho...I should've worked, here....
I decided to Bug Out.
Hit the Highway.
: )
I, did have a destination.
I bought a Vintage Chandelier.... about an hour North, of Home.
As I was driving, so Many...memories flashed through my mind.
Drove past the Farm, where Dad bought the 61 Ford Ton Truck, I drove...for several years, hauling scrap iron.
I remember the Farmer, telling my Dad, he'd followed me down Highway 13, with a Load on, and didn't know, in All of the years he owned it, that Old Ford...could Go...That Fast!!!
'Get'er Done'!!!
{I knew...if we'd make Fast Tracks...I could get Two Loads, to the Scrap Yard, before Noon, on Saturdays, instead of One. ; )
Hammer Down!!!}
I thought of my Best Friend, Roxie...from back, in the day.
She grew up, near Strawberry Point, Iowa.
The Chandelier...wasn't far from there.
Met the Nicest Folks, when I picked up the Chandelier.
They were remodeling the Home, where the Chandelier was still attached.
Their entire Family, was there... working, and fixing the house up.
They showed me some of the beautiful painting techniques they were doing, on the brick.
It all, was a lot of work, but...they all seemed so excited about doing it.
: )
I thought about coming back Home...but, then...I thought about visiting Plaza Antique Mall, in Dyersville, Iowa.
I, rarely get up that way...anymore.
Kathy, the Girl who manages it, is so sweet.
I, absolutely Adore her...and, her Family..
I also knew, she wouldn't be working, on Sunday.
I, decided to go...anyway.
I, always find something... really unusual at Plaza.
: )
As I was walking through the Mall, to my surprise...
Here Comes Kathy!
: )
We chatted, for a long time.
It was so Great, seeing her. <3
I asked her, if she could think of any 'worn velvet'...anything?
Jewelry Boxes, Ring...Boxes, Photo Albums, Fabric???
She, couldn't think of any... so, I just started diggin'.
: )
I, don't know why...I Love....worn velvet, so.
There's soulful, about it.
I didn't find any...
but, I found several other...little 'soulful' things. : )
As I was checking out...
I was waiting for The Girls, that worked wrap up my little treasures, and...turned around, to see a showcase, by the door, I'd missed.
Inside, all folded up...was an 1880's Crazy Quilt, in Velvets.
: )
Under it, was a mid 1800's Paisley, Scarf.
: )
I asked the Girls, if they could get them out, for me. : )
Kathy, helped me hold them out.
oh my.
That Quilt, Mind!
Worn Velvet....
and, some of the Best...Hand Work, I've seen in a Long...Time.
I Loved Absolutely...Everything, about it.
It's So...'Iowa'.
I, Loved...the size, as well.
It was like a 'Lap Robe', size.
: )
The old...wool Paisley, was Huge.
Probably 10 feet long.
{Paisley, reminds me of my Mom. : ) She wore a Lot...of Paisley prints. <3 }
So, I wound up having the Girls, take a couple of things off of my bill, and purchasing the Quilt, and Paisley... instead.
<3 <3 <3
The Plaza Antique Mall Girls!!!
{Dyersville, Iowa. }
I found several...wonderful...little, Soulful Treasures.
The Cast Iron Mortar. They, are So...Cool. They were used in Pharmacies, and, also... to grind herbs, and meal.
Huge, Stickware Rice Bowl...from the 1800's,
Sweet, little foot worn...and Loved.
Two, Darling... old...Trucks,
A Wonderful leather bound Ledger, from the 1800's about Farming. : )
Two...Old, Old... Bottles, that had been hand the late 1800's,
along with....the Beautiful...
they will all be for sale.
{Not, the bowl. I use them...every day, at Home. : ) Love their Shape! }
People, often wonder... how, when I Love...these treasures so, I can sell them.
It's difficult.
: )
Just, being enjoy a little time, with a Gift.
Seeing others, Light Up, and Love them...too, is even Better.
If, I should happen to to, live with them...for a long time, all...the better.
: )
I learned a long time only by things you love, and appreciate.
I'm going to have an Open House...over the 4th of July.
The Chandelier, sold...last night.
I actually had a Friend in mind, when I bought it.
She Loves It!
My Mom...has been on my heart, so much...lately.
I've had many dreams...about her, lately.
I had to run outside, to get my phone charger, this morning...
while walking back, I saw a Meat Fork...sitting on the table, by the door.
I, don't know Why, got there.
I brought it inside.
I looked at the handle, and...saw it was monogrammed.
![]() |
'Mamma' <3 <3 <3 |
Oh my.
: )
I'm sure... this is one, from the House.
I, just...have No Idea, how it found it's way...from the silverware drawer, outside...
A 'Wink'...
from Mamma. : )
When I saw that Beautiful... Paisley, She...was Right There...too. <3
I've got Lots...of Work to Do...Outside, today.
Hope, whatever....You do, today...
You Enjoy,
let the 'Journey'...
'Take', You.
; ) Ya,
Barb C.
{ My Pal, Allyson...called me this morning. She wants to go on another Adventure, with me. : )
Just...for a weekend.
She's a 'Planner'. <3
I, said... let's not 'Plan'... too much, this time. : )
Let's... just Go. : )
Let 'The Journey'... 'Take' us. : )
She...was All...For It! <3 }
The Tune above, by Alison Krauss, reminds me So..Much, of my Dad. Several of her
This one, seemed perfect...for today. : ) }
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Sunday Mornings.
There's nothing more Peaceful...
Sunday Mornings.
Even...when Sunday, is a workday.
Sunday Mornings, early....
are such a Gift.
I remember when I was a Waitress.
I used to work every Sunday, Breakfast.
Worked from 6 a.m. 'til 2 p.m.
I'd leave home...about 5:15.
The Summer Sundays, were always my favorite.
: )
One Spring, John had taken in a 1969 Camaro Convertible, on trade.
It was all rusted out, didn't have floorboards, in the back...
I had to warn people, when they rode with me... to be careful, when they rode in the back seat.
There was carpet, on the floor...put...Nothing, under that carpet!
Here's what it Did have...
a Working Convertible Top...
Great Sound System...
350 Engine!
Holy Smokes!!!
{Since so much was rusted was really...light.
I could make those Rear Tires Smoke,
and Leave Rubber on the Pavement for 50 Feet!!!
oh my. }
I, sure had a Lot of that old Camaro!!!
{That's sayin' a Lot...comin' from an Old, Ford Gal! : ) }
I so enjoyed leaving home, when the Sun was coming up...
Top Down...
Flyin' to Work!
That 30 minute drive...was worth a Million.
: )
Hardly any traffic.
I'd take the back way,... where the roads were winding, and...
Timber Lined.
: )
I'd often meet John...after work, beside the Iowa River...where he loved to fish.
<3 <3 <3
It was way back, in a secluded area, that often...had a pretty tuff road, leading to it.
That little Camaro, took those ruff, 'No Maintenance' Roads, in stride.
We'd sit there, fish...and take in the Day.
Lazy...Lazy...Sunday afternoons.
I'm gonna find the Road, today.
: )
No back roads, just...lots of Highway.
Picking up a Chandelier, in Northern Iowa.
: )
I worked in the rabbit hole, yesterday.
Had several Lovely Folks...pop in.
I, probably should be
Somehow, I think I need the Drive, more...than anything.
I'm going to try to make a lot of progress, this week...down the rabbit hole.
There's so much, I'm going to need an extra pair of hands to get accomplished.
I, thought about moving some Mountains, yesterday...but, I was afraid I'd damage them, if they got away from me.
So...decided to wait.
{That, was Difficult. ; ) 'Git 'er Done'. }
The Boys, are only available during the week.
I'm shooting for an Open House, over the 4th of July Week.
There's been a Lot...coming in, and I'm feeling the Pinch. ; )
I sure Miss, those....'Lazy Sundays'.
This, won't the same.
Nothing, ever...will be, I guess.
I know...
it's the Best Therapy...for me.
: )
Hope, wherever You...find Yourself, today...
Peaceful, and...Lazy.
: )
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
Friday, June 21, 2019
The Story...of The Rabbit Hole.
To begin this 'Story'...of 'The Rabbit Hole',
I can't start it, at the beginning.
: )
I have to 'begin' the middle.
: )
Many, many...years ago, some Dear Girls, from Colorado...used to make a Special Trip...yearly, to come visit the 'Shop'.
One year, they brought a Friend.
As they were travelling here, the Friend kept asking them, they keep coming back???
One of the Girls said...
"I can't explain it, what it's like....
It's like 'Alice in Wonderland'...and, Falling down the rabbit hole."
I, smiled... when 'The Friend', shared that with me.
{I, had No Idea...what that meant. I'd never read the book, or...seen the movie.}
I, hoped...that, that...was a compliment. ; )
Shortly, after... the 2010 Alice in Wonderland, Movie came out, with Depp.
Daughter, Liz...and I, went to see it.
{I Had to Know... 'what', that comment, meant.}
We sat there... watching....
Looked at Each Other, and...realized Tim Burton, must have visited The Shop.
It, was Unreal.
I 'knew'...Every Character, in the Movie.
The parallels...were Too Close.
Peg, was The Mad....March Hare.
John... was the 'Smoking Caterpillar'...
I, was...The Mad Hatter, and....sometimes, Alice.
I won't say who the other Characters, least...not now.
I knew....
The Shop, was no longer...'The Shop',
'The Rabbit Hole'.
: )
Now...we'll go back, to the Beginning.
: )
When John moved here, in the late 1970's,
he was told... a former Owner, hanged himself....
in the 1960's
in a shed, out in the pasture.
John, tore the shed down.
I, was having a Garage Sale, the 1990's,
and was visiting with a customer, he told me....
he remembered when the Man, who used to live here...
committed suicide.
He didn't hang himself.
He shot the Kitchen, of our Home.
That, was the truth.
: ( : ( : (
Several years....went by.
It was the 20 Teens.
I was visiting with a Beloved, Neighbor,
who's lived in Fairfax...for many, many...decades,
I, asked him...
if he knew anything about the Man, who committed suicide, here.
He did.
He said... the Man, was very nice. : )
He decided, to raise Rabbits.
Someone...some, Slick Talker...sold him a Lot, of Rabbits.
Not, just a few....
Hundreds, and...
The Man, was going to Raise...Rabbits, here.
My Neighbor, said...
From our House....
to the Corner, {where 'The Rabbit Hole', sits....}
There were Rows...and Rows...and Rows...
of Rabbit Hutches, the Man...hired built.
Turned out, the Slick Talker...sold him all...Male Rabbits.
The people in Fairfax, made Fun of him.
He was 'The Joke'...of Fairfax.
He couldn't take it.
It, Broke...
: (
My Neighbor, said... how Sorry...he always felt, about the 'Way'...the Man, was treated.
: (
When my Neighbor....shared that story, with me....
I, can't tell you, how Things...went
'Click...Click...Click', in my mind.
Seems, this 'Ground'....
has a Long Run, with....
When I think about, how Tormented....he must've been, well...I understand. : (
I've been, trying to Protect...
'The Rabbit Hole', from 'Fairfax', too.
I, know...quite a Bit, about being 'Tormented'.
I guess...some things....never, change.
It Stops...
with me.
I won't Allow, 'Slick Talkers'...or 'Scoundrels'
Near Us.
{City Hall}
I can Sniff Them Out, a Coon Hound.
; )
{City Hall}
I can Sniff Them Out, a Coon Hound.
; )
I'll Fight Them, to The Gates of Hell.
; )
; )
Someone asked me today... if I have a 'Security System'.
I, said... matter of factly,
"Yes, I do. : ) 'God'."
That, little rabbit hole, has been such a Blessing, and 'Sanctuary'.
It, Always...will be.
I'm so Sorry, for the Man, who...lost, all hope.
: ( : ( : (
I'm Thankful...for his Journey. <3
He's not...Forgotten.
The Story,
The True....
'The Rabbit Hole'.
<3 <3 <3 Ya,
Barb C.
{There are no... coincidences, in Life.
Everything....happens, for a reason.
It's...'All', about the 'Journey'. <3
John, and I...took a lot....of Beatings growing up.
We, won't put up...with anymore. }
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
By God...I found a Smile, today. Actually...several.
I've been Juggling Many Pins...
Today, was no different.
but, some Amazing Folks, who listen,,
this day, I can find a few smiles.
: )
Had to get a document notarized...and make a small deposit, so....
stopped at 'The Bank'.
{You Know... how Much I Love...Fairfax State Savings Bank. : ) <3 }
They had the radio station Z 102.9, set up...outside, again.
: )
Between Polly, and Christine...inside The Bank, {and...Jodi <3 }
I, left with a Smile.
I, think..., maybe... I gave them, one too.
As I was leaving... the Folks from the Radio Station, Pulled me in!
They, are Always, so Much Fun!
: )
Year, after year. : )
{They tried to put a sticker...on Jethro.
Uh Oh. : )
No Stickers, on Jethro.
John, would Have a Fit!!!
Body Men, aren't fond of 'Stickers'...on their Work!!! : ) }
but, I advertised for their Station, on FB, and here. <3
Those Folks...are So Much FUN!!! : ) <3
It was raining... and they were visiting, with one another...under their tent.
I said...
"I'm gonna take some Pictures...
I Want to See Some ACTION!!!"
They, are So Cute!!!
When I left The Bank...
went on, to visit 'Neighbors'.
: )
{concerning the 'Chicken' poop. }
We've been so very Blessed, with Such...Amazing Neighbors.
I'll be visiting more, tomorrow.
It got so Late, so fast.
Many...wonderful...long, conversations. : )
Yes, They...made me Smile. <3
We all are so Busy.
It's sad... we haven't spent more Time, with each other.
We live... only footsteps away, but...
over the years, we've lived Miles...apart.
: (
Too Busy.
I'll shut'er down...on that note. Ya.
Barb C.
{as I was writing this post... I thought of a Tune, I haven't Years!!! Hahahaha!
I, posted it, above. It'll make ya Smile...I, promise. : ) }
{as I was writing this post... I thought of a Tune, I haven't Years!!! Hahahaha!
I, posted it, above. It'll make ya Smile...I, promise. : ) }
Black and White.
Everything...always seems so much clearer, in Black and White.
Life, sometimes...has way too much color.
: )
Too many gray areas.
: )
I've been working on the 'chicken crap',
Thinking, how very Blessed I am, to have a couple of Folks, in my life....that help me keep what's left of my sanity.
There's quite a few...that're working pretty hard, to take what little, I have left.
oh my.
I was looking back, at the few pictures I have left on my laptop.
My Neighbor, who's a Computer Whiz, moved nearly 20,000 images from my poor little laptop's memory. : ) It, was Very...Tired.
I was searching for happier times, today.
He, left the pictures from 2016, till now.
There aren't many happy photos.
Mostly work, the Kids, Grandkids, Friends...
and...our Pets.
Lots of documents...from the IDOT, and...the City.
There are days, on end.....I'd like to just run away.
Some of my best days, are those, when I find the Road.
Drive...and, : )
: )
I, know....I, know...I Know,
We're about as Happy, as we make up our minds to be.
{some say, Abe Lincoln said that. : )
Think about all of the sorrow, that Amazing Man...went through. }
I found the road, the other day...and picked up the two cool chairs, and Lion Head, bathtub feet.
: )
The Feet, are so unusual...I couldn't leave them behind.
Visited with some Friends, on my Journey...
and, truly enjoyed the day.
I'm going to be open this weekend, at the rabbit hole.
So, am working there...trying to make sense of the new arrivals, that've found their way, here...over the last couple of weeks.
With all of the rain, I can't keep up with the Jungle.
It's Crazy.
It reminds me of the years I used to walk the corn fields, detasseling.
It was always in July, and very...very, hot.
Should it rain, I could hear the corn grow.
It Squeaked! : )
It could grow several inches, if not feet, on hot, sultry....rainy days, and nights.
The tassels would be shoulder height, or less...when I started.
By the time I was done, with the three acres I contracted, I'd be bending the stalks pull the tassels.
One year, my Mom and Dad... had to help me finish.
That's the way Everything is Growing, around here...this year.
I can't hear...the Vines, and Grass...growing, but...I can almost...See It. : )
The above picture... always makes me smile.
I know...that Load.
So, many... Know It. : )
The Horse...keeps movin' along, as one rides on top...
another, keeps piling it Higher.
I, think...we've All...been there.
: )
Well... I've got to get moving.
I've started and stopped this post, several times, today.
Many...many, interruptions.
All, were Blessings.
Good People.
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
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