I am a Sick....Sick....Girl..... When I have Onions...or Potatoes...or anything...that starts to sprout....I can't stand...cutting them up! They are Survivors! and want to Live! ...my Heart says...If...it wants to thrive....Help It! {kind of like...the little plant I gave Peg.... I had to help it....I knew...it wasn't dead.... I knew...if...it just had a little help....it had the Will...to Live...and....it really took off.... What a Wonderful Gift....knowing..."It's Only Impossible...if...You Believe it is..." |
Yes...yes...another...Gnarly...woven Leather Footstool....What is it...bout these Grungy.....Gnarly...Little Gems...? They are so...incredibly Soulful... |
As I was heading into town, yesterday, popped in at John's Shop....told him...I was struggling....with Dad's Birthday.... he asked if I was going to go see him....{Dad's Grave...is just a mile up the road...} Honestly...I was not.... It was hard enough...yesterday...without seeing his Grave.... John said..."Wait"...and he reached into the back, of the Little Ford...and grabbed a Rusty Old Bolt...he said..." Take this, up there.... he's probably working on somethin'...and may need this".....so...I did...
I looked around...at the Flowers that were placed...at other's Graves... and at Dad's...is a rusty old bolt... How Perfect...is That....
John may not be big...on hugs...and kisses...or....even...talking through...stuff... but...He Always...seems to know...Exactly...what to do....
I'm glad....I went.....if he wouldn't have handed the Old Bolt....to me... I would have stayed away.....
Oh my....
The Journey....
Love to Ya!
Barb C. |

{I have a Million Miles to Cover today....getting another group...of wonderful stuff in....{ also, got another Call.....I had left my card...on a door, where I saw some Gnarly Stuff...near the Mississippi.... and that Lady would like me to come visit!...{what a Sweet Heart!} Going there, Monday... Allyson and I are headed to The Uni- Dome Show, in Cedar Falls.... this afternoon...after I pick up...the load I was called on this Morn! .... a Long...Long...Day!
Peg just called....she sounds...BETTER....{not Great....but...BETTER! Thanks....for the Continued...PRAYERS...and LIGHT!!!! It's WORKING!}
That post just made me misty on several counts!!!
Keep Runnin' Darlin' that Garden Party is going to be a great kick of to a wonderful spring and summer i have a feeling
Luv ya!!!
I want to Thank You... For all you have done for Peg....She loves you so...{me too...} You always...bring a Big Smile to her Face...Thank You...
You are such, an Amazing...Spirit...
Hope...You Know...How Very Much...You are Loved...
Barb C.
Luv you both so much also!!! Can't wait till we are all tip toeing across the marble (or green grass) again together
Hell...We'll be Two Steppin'...Through The Opryland!
Oh my...
Love ya...Sweet Pea!
Barb C.
The bolt...that's true perfect love...
I absolutely love the leather footstool!!!
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