I find myself , getting so frustrated...at times...then, I think of this....
It goes right along...for Thanking God...for Unanswered Prayers.... {they are always answered....just, not the way, I may have hoped them to be.... but...He knows...The Best...and....in time...that is always shown...{How many times...have I really thought....if this, or that would happen...life would be Great....then...'that'...didn't happen...and....oh my...was I thankful...If 'That'...would have come to pass...'This'...wonderful 'Blessing...wouldn't have found it's way, to me...}
It's when you are in the middle...between the Prayer...and the Ultimate Blessing...The Key...is such a Perfect Little Reminder....
"Hang in There...Baby"...
It was a Long....Day....Yesterday....by the end of it...I was one...solid...aching muscle! I got the back yard, behind the shop picked up...and had the burn barrel Blazing! By evening...I was sitting on an old bench...playing with keys...and watching the fire....
Today...I'm taking on the Rabbit Hole!
A friend, stopped by yesterday...and peeked inside....he said.."WHEN...do you have to have this done..????!!!"
I told him....he said..."oh my God...I don't know....how..." Then...went on to say...."well...I guess...some people won't mind digging through....this...some people...like, to dig..." and dropped his head...as he walked out the door....... Oh..He of Little Faith....: )
Friends...I can not...begin to tell ya...what a Mess I'm in...
as my Pal, Steph, would say....
"No Worries!"....
and...that's Exactly.....what I said...to him....
Have a Great Day!
Barb C.
{Thanks to Bart...for bringing me, as a gift....the Sweet Heart Shaped Cake Pan.... Love It!}
{The True 'Blessings'...in Life...are not so much the 'Blessings' or, end result...... it's the 'Journey'....finding them....}
{I talked to Peg...yesterday as I was cleaning out Her Flower Beds...she had planted.... she asked what I was doin'...I said.." Cleaning out YOUR FRICKIN' FLOWER BEDS!!!!! Remember the ones...I was So Apprehensive about...when YOU Insisted on Planting Them! Because...I Don't Have Time to Mess With!!!???? The Ones...YOU said...You would be tending too....and I'd Never Have to Worry About!!! Remember!!!!????"
She Roared! And said.."Hey! I'm Suckin' Down These Nasty Shakes...so I can Get Up There...and Clean those Beds!!!!" I said... "GET ON IT!!! I Need You Here!!!!!"
She is sounding...Better...and Better...Every Day! Thank You...for sending Prayers....and Light.... Thank You....}
{The True 'Blessings'...in Life...are not so much the 'Blessings' or, end result...... it's the 'Journey'....finding them....}
{I talked to Peg...yesterday as I was cleaning out Her Flower Beds...she had planted.... she asked what I was doin'...I said.." Cleaning out YOUR FRICKIN' FLOWER BEDS!!!!! Remember the ones...I was So Apprehensive about...when YOU Insisted on Planting Them! Because...I Don't Have Time to Mess With!!!???? The Ones...YOU said...You would be tending too....and I'd Never Have to Worry About!!! Remember!!!!????"
She Roared! And said.."Hey! I'm Suckin' Down These Nasty Shakes...so I can Get Up There...and Clean those Beds!!!!" I said... "GET ON IT!!! I Need You Here!!!!!"
She is sounding...Better...and Better...Every Day! Thank You...for sending Prayers....and Light.... Thank You....}
1 comment:
What fun..I use to live in CR, love antiquing and all the new places sound so fun. Have a son and family there so will be stopping by next visit. Thanks for posting the Calendar off to the right. Have fun and Good Luck with your adventure.
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