These Old Metal Chairs are Fun, for Every Season! The Gnarly ones, are just Cool, sitting under a tree...waiting for Spring, with a Wreath on it... Winter...Spring...Summer, or...Fall...an Old Metal Lawn Chair, always speaks to me... with an open invitation, to just, come on over, and... sit a spell....
{when Peg and I are working in the Shop, this is where we sit,{in warmer weather...} and eat our lunch... we each grab an old chair, pull it back, a bit... under the shade tree, eat our lunch...fix the World...
and watch the cars go by...
Life doesn't get better than that....}
Barb C.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your welcome back any time!
Oh, the chairs to silly sitting there waitin on spring!Love the pic!
enjoy your evening
Neat photo! I also love these old chairs and line them up on the sidewalk in front of my shop in the summer. Can't do that in the winter - the city clears the snow from the side walk with a machine and blade. I don't want to interfere with that!
Are you staying warm up north?
Hey Sue!
We're stayin' warm...I love it, when it's like this...{my teeth are chattering....} until...the Holidays are over... then....I'm ready for SPRING!
Happy Holidays, to You, and Yours...
Barb C.
Hey girl, guess winter is really with us this time...one good thing about the snow, sometimes it makes moving a heavy piece outside a bit easier...but who wants easy...WE WANT SPRING!!!
Have a wonderful holiday Barb...tis the season for good cheer and good will, may you enjoy both!
Hey Sharon....
as soon as the Tree comes down... the mind races to Spring... I stand wherever the Sun can soak into my face...and dream, of the Muted Green, so Mossy, with a touch of Emerald...just begining to paint the tips of the trees...and...listen for the 'Spring Bird'....with his promise, of warmer days ahead...
but.. now...I'm soaking in the Holiday Season... with the bittersweet memories...
Happy Holidays, to You...and Yours...
Barb C.
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