Wednesday, June 30, 2010
He Would Have Went to Kill...
Horse Slaughter House { I Can't Stop Crying...}
I tried to leave a comment, for our local news, kgan, but was too late.... A group of horses, here in Iowa, were found, locked in a shed, dead and dieing... The Sheriff said he thought the horses were doing better, the last few months... he'd kind of been keeping an eye on them... REALLY! The neighbor said, he thought the feed wasn't too good.. he'd been watching them... REALLY!!! This doesn't happen. in a week or 2...I hope ALL concerned, spend their last days, just like these horses did...Then, they had men on the news, that said we should start the 'Kill' buying back... And slaughter horses....That would end, all of this abuse... Oh my God...No wonder we live in this warped society... We kill things, because they are old, or unwanted...God Help These people... You say you want to 'Kill'... O.K. hope you go out, with the same terror, these beloved, once, mans best friends, are asked to... And may God Help You... As your mind is racing, as you are being beaten, on the back, and in the face by the cattle prod, herding you and others, closer to the knife, and wondering what you ever did, to deserve this horrific treatment... { I saw a mare and her foal, being sold seperately, at a horse sale, they beat the frantic mare back, with a cattle prod, as she was desperately trying to reach her terrified baby...I jumped into the ring, and grabbed the prod from the bastard's hands... Go See.... Just go see....It will break your heart... if it doesn't... Then, GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!}
Have you ever been to a Sale Barn? Go... Please go... Have you ever been to a Slaughter House... GO PLEASE GO!!!!!!! I HAVE!!!!{ put yourself in the animals place... and... if you have never been beat, with a cattle prod, try it once.... see how it feels...} This is why, I QUIT EATING MEAT!!!!I have decided, if I can't kill it, myself, than I shouldn't eat it... I may be a lot of things, a hypocrite, I don't need to be...}
I would hate to be a family member, of those who want to slaughter these horses... I think how people care about animals, is a reflection of how they treat people.... God Bless Them...
There are so many to blame, here... How about helping take care of these animals, instead of pointing fingers... see why the man couldn't feed them... OH NO... JUST TURN A BLIND EYE!!!! This Makes Me Sick...
These poor horses, are kind and gentle creatures... Trusting man... How sad... Horses built this country.... Broke the ground...pulled fire trucks, what they did for Farmers, should never be forgotten... This is how we repay...
The tears I shed, today, are, yes, for all the abused animals...the abused children.... the abused people...But, equally shed, for Mankind... Pathetic, Ignorant, Shameful, Greedy....Mankind... What God must think, as he looks at us... I'll bet he is shaking his head...
Shame on Us...
Barb C.
I don't kill anything... A fly, I will swat at... From Spiders, to all Animals.... All of God's Creatures have a purpose... Some folks say, the bible says God put animals on earth to feed us... Yes... this is true... and when we respect them, like the Bible Says... Then, we will talk...
I respect Animals, more than people, I guess...They, are not sinners... Just us.... We are the only creature that kills for 'sport'... interesting... and, as my dear friend, Peg, says.... " we are the only creatures that poop in our own nest"...{ meaning, destroy our environment}...what a group we are....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I Gotta Tell Ya.....
I was pretty busy, yesterday, with folks just poppin in... I'm not usually open on Monday's... But, I'm not open, on the days I'm supposed to be here... so... what the heck... If I'm here... I'm OPEN!
Anyway, I was visiting with Patty, {fern hill}, as a couple of very nicely dressed gals, driving a very nice car, were shopping... They came walking out of the shop, with my plaque, that was set in a display, tacked to the door, not for sale... and the one gal, held her fist up, to me, that was clenching two, dollar bills... and said, " I'll give you 2 dollars for this... here"... and was attempting to walk right past us, while throwing the money at me... REALLY!!!! I said, laughing, ah, no you won't... she said, "oh yeah, I will... here"... I about dropped... I took the plaque out of her clutches, and said, ah... this isn't for sale...It's never been for sale.... She said how much one of her friends would just love it... I kept walking... Grabbed my drill... proceeded to screw it to the door... Oh MY!!!!
Just had to share!
See Ya..
Barb C.
Monday, June 28, 2010
More Treasures....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Party!
Tom and Cathy R. had invited John and I, to their Anniversary Party.... {and Cathy's Birthday!} Dale F. was going, too, so we were going to ride with him.... John pooped out on us.... We had worked outside, loading furniture, yesterday, and it was Hot! John isn't much for being out in the heat.... So, Dale and I were on our own!
I have known Tom, for years....and always admired him so... He owned one of the Best Antiques Shops, in the area... He is very knowledgeable, in so many categories... He travels all over the Country, doing top of the line Antique Shows.... and, along with Tom and Paula V., Louie and Colleen P. and Tom' s wife, Cathy, they promote one of the best Antique Shows in the area... The Midwest Cedar Rapids...
I met Cathy, several years later... Tom is a lucky man.... She is such a stunningly, beautiful woman.... Her outer beauty, tho, is totally eclipsed, by her inner beauty.... She was celebrating a milestone, and, for some reason, I thought she was 10 years younger, than she is... I gave her a card, to wish her a 'Happy 29th'... from her 110 pound friend.... { If she doesn't tell, I won't either!} { I think she could pass for 29, a lot easier than I could, at 110.....}
Everyone had a great time... I got loud, and unruly, as a fun party... They had a great band, I supported them, with all sorts of whoops, hollers, and whistles...... { Hey, there's one in every crowd!} { Tequila seems to have that effect on me...} No one was dancing.... soooo... well... I love to dance, and started dragging folks out... it was great... Hot... But great! We all had a great time visiting... And tho, I love to argue politics...and hash out the World's events... this was a Fun Party! No Politics.... No Oil Spill.... Not Tonight! So... when folks would start leaning that way...I'd interrupt, and say..." Let's talk about sex..." Oh my... you could hear a pin drop... and... back to the fun!{works every time!}
It was so great to see everyone! Steve G. Diane K.{ Found out that she and several of the other gal's are cigar smokers... oh my.... what a party...I was a good girl.. in that respect... no smokin' for me... sorry, Ed....}, Jack, and his new friend, Tina...Lori,{ Lori just opened a new store, on Mt.Vernon Road, in Cedar Rapids... Dale says it's great! I need to check it out!!!} Paula, Deb and John H., Colleen P., Jo and Dan, Maurina, and so many others, I don't get to see, often enough... I'm licking my wounds, this morning...didn't get home, til after 1.... Haven't danced like that, for a long, long time.... It felt good.... I just filled John in, on all the fun he missed out on.... He didn't look too sad....Parties aren't his thing.....{ but he would have had a great time!}
Everyone was Buzzing about the 4th... Between Cindy B's{ Smokehouse Square Antiques, Amana, Iowa...319-622-3539} Show on the 3rd, and 4th, at the Festhalle Barn, in Main, Amana.... Hanson's Grove {on Highway 1, near Solon, Iowa... and minutes from Mt.Vernon} and Main Street Mt.Vernon, Iowa... It's gonna be a WONDERFUL 4th!!!
Well... I'm out the door!
Hope everyone has an Absolutely Wonderful Day!
Barb C
{p.s. everyone brought food.... and it was Wonderful!}
Friday, June 25, 2010
Another.... Good Day...
It was a Great Day, really....Went back to the Tag Sale, and found MORE great stuff!!!! more Crazy Quilts, more textiles, 2 beautiful Pastel Still Lives, that were hid away, a beautiful Rope Bed, a lovely Blue and White Coverlet, { Robin, take a peek!} A neat old concrete fountain, a cool stained glass window...A massive tin tray, with cool cut out handles, oh, and more vintage Christmas... {I can't help myself... I don't have any, exactly like these....} a beautiful, Victorian Hanging Lamp... complete...I could go on and on... I was so tired of unpacking, I just put everything left, outside, back in the truck... Tomorrow is.... another day....
Had a wonderful surprise, today! Kathie, {this girls art} popped in... Unfortunately, to purchase the wonderful { I mean Awful} wire plant stand, I had bought at Gail's sale, yesterday... Only to find, I had sold it, this morning, over the phone, to a dear friend....{who also saw it on the blog} I reminded her to call, if she sees something... I really do have a cell phone growing out of my ear... and never mind a call... She left deflated, but, not empty handed... I really felt bad... Wish I had another one... She left me with a 'wish list'... so, I'll see what I can do!!!
As I was unpacking all the wonderful treasures, that will be headed for Mt.Vernon, in just little over a week...Oh My... Tho, I love everything, and actually brought the huge Pastel Paintings in the house, hoping to find a spot, { they are waaayyyy cooler, in person!} My favorite find, was a book... from 1935... " The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America" { also, in the house...} I bought it at the sale, and didn't take a moment to read it... just bought it...along with several other, very interesting books... As I was taking a break, from unloading the truck, I sat down, and looked through the books... This one stole my heart... It has many illustrations, of every quilt square, you can imagine, and identifies them all... but, there are also poems, and stories written by quilters... this is priceless....
I have gathered at least 6 wonderful Crazy Quilts, this last week... Every single one of them, has their own little voice... I am thankful, they fell into my hands... I hope to find wonderful homes, for them... if not... they are always welcome here...
Barb C.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Good Day...
Had some sweet gals, pop in, first thing this morn... mowed... for one day... no rain... Praise God...
Hit some good sales... Met some very nice folk... all is right with the world...
My lil' Ford, is beginning to look like a rolling Antiques Shop.... Oh my... seems I never get it completely cleaned out, before I'm on another journey...Oh well...
Found some interesting things, today... a very cool, vintage, tiered wire plant stand... Love It!{it's round, and fancy, iron footed... cool...} a sweet boudoir swivel chair... ya gotta love 'em!... 5, darling, vintage metal lawn chairs... all different styles... how fun! an 1880's General Grant, Bread Plate... I love early glass....can't help myself.... Darling, huge Christmas Ornaments... { Ya know... I really needed more of these....} Sweet, tin stuff... Patriotic Drapes, and vintage Patriotic Fabric! PERFECT FOR THE 4TH Of JULY!!!! IN MT.VERNON!!!! MARK AND I HAVE 4.... COUNT 'EM... "FOUR"!!! BOOTHS!!! Yeah, Yeah... You thought I was crazy, for bein' out buyin' all this gnarly old stuff...Well, let me tell ya... Mark and I are going to have a killer booth.... We've both, been out beating the bushes... and I sure hope you all can attend, Main Street, Mt.Vernon, Iowa... on the 4th.... I guarantee, you will not, be disappointed...There will be something for EVERYONE!!!!
Mark and I are putting up the Big Tent, so we will be selling, no matter!{ It poured, half the day, last year, and we didn't have a tent... we still sold like crazy! This is a great show... We bought well, too!} I CAN NOT wait, to start putting all this stuff together... It's gonna be a Winner! Mark and I have truly been blessed, with our Gatherings... and we can't wait to share them, with you!!!!
Barb C.
An Amazing Beauty....
Treasures of the Day!
Gail's Sale!
If you are near Cedar Rapids, Gail's Sale, is just off East Post Road... Turn on 36th street, then go to Palomino... You'll see her signs! She'll be putting more stuff out, the next two days! Go See!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For Marilyn... My Sympathy...
The Flower Child....
Pine Ridge Tree Farm... Fun!
Oh... Charlie....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Runnin' Down the Road....
Well, I'm back on the road again... Headed North, this morning, then, way South.... Have an old cupboard to pick up, either tonight, or tomorrow, from pal, Bart, in Cedar Rapids... The way the rain keeps coming, I may have to take an enclosed truck! Kay wanted to know about the Paper Christmas House, that is on the image, with the gnarly hands... I collect them, myself, and have several in the shop... They are from the first half, of the 1900's, some are German, some are from Japan...You can usually find these, for under 20.00, mine, in the shop, from this size and smaller,are priced from 6 to 12.00. They are wonderful when they are all gathered together, like a village... I keep mine out, year around, in the house, and shop.... Love 'em!
Hope Everyone has the Most Wonderful Day!
Barb C.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Hand Soap... No Pun, Intended....
The Weekend Gatherings...
There are so many more things... You'll just have to come visit...
I want to mention, as I was taking pictures for you, this evening, I discovered something had been stolen, from the shop.... It was something I loved.... Tho, I love, everything, in the shop... or, it wouldn't be there... It was stolen, yesterday... I know who took it, and, they also altered a price tag... But, at the time, I thought, well, maybe I did do it myself.... I get running so fast, and get so forgetful... but, after seeing this, and how they moved things around, so I wouldn't miss this little treasure... well, nothing would surprise me, about these folks....
I want you to know, if you read this, you are in my prayers... This is your journey, and God Bless you, and your wife.... Only Angels pass through the doors of that little shop... So, I know there is a special lesson, for you, and I here....
God Bless...
Barb C.
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