{I bought this Old Cross, here at my sale, a few years back, from Tom and Paula... It's folk art, made from match sticks and has seen, better days... I fell in love with it... I imagined, if I could see my Cross, it would be similar... a little rough around the edges...a break, here and there...Shards of mirror, so everyone who looks at it, sees a little of themselves in it, just like they are, in my heart...and, perfect, for me...}
I am running, again this morning... Peg isn't here yet... She usually beats me to the shop... What a Whirl Wind! I wasn't going to post, this morning, have so many directions to go... But, my spirit was feeling a little parched, and I realized, I haven't been reading the Word, or visiting with God, lately... So, before I had done anything, this morning, I sat down, and read a little, in my Streams in the Desert....{Parched.... Streams in the Desert.... no pun intended...} It was the strangest thing... I had a visitor, the other day, and as she was leaving, we started talking about how some folks have it soooo easy... everything, just handed to them... why, they wouldn't last a minute, in our World.... Then, I recalled one of my favorite stories, in Streams... About a woman, who asked the Lord for a different Cross...{ and I shared it with her... Someone else, must need to hear it today... I turned right to it, this morning....} She said to the Lord, " why can't I have a Cross, like the one, that person is carrying.... it's is all covered in jewels, and gold... I would be so much happier, with that one..." The Lord smiled, and said, she may have that one... When she picked it up, it was so heavy, she could barely walk... She knew, this was not the Cross she could carry.... But, then she spied a beautiful Cross, another person was carrying... she was sure, this one would be perfect for her... It was covered with the most beautiful flowers.... vines, twisting around it's beautiful form... Ah... but when she attempted to carry it, she discovered beneath the beautiful flora, were piercing thornes, that tore at her skin....Finally, she came to a plain Cross...without jewels or any carvings, and with only a few words of love inscribed on it. When she picked it up, it proved better than all the rest, and easiest to carry... As she looked at it, she noticed it was bathed in a radiance that fell from Heaven....Then, she recognized it, as her own, old Cross....She had found it, once again, and it was best of all...You see... God knows best what Cross we need to bear...and we never know, how heavy someone else's Cross may be... We envy someone who is rich, with a cross of gold, adorned with jewels...but, we don't know how heavy it is. We look at someone whose life seems, so easy, and who carries a Cross covered in flowers.... Yet, if we could actually test all the Crosses, we think are lighter than ours, we would never find one better suited for us, than our own....{ August 29th} {Carrying his own cross. { John 19.17}
I felt this needed to be said, this morning... don't know why... Hope everyone has the most wonderful day... I'm drinking lots of coffee... Thank God, for Peg....
Barb C.
Barb what a blessing your words are for me today. I hardly ever read blogs (not that I don't love them but always busy). Today a friend got me interested and I found yours by chance. We do know each other from long ago. Anyway, your words today have a deep meaning for me!! Thanks you Barb and thank you Lord!!! Peg
Barb what a blessing your words are for me today. I hardly ever read blogs (not that I don't love them but always busy). Today a friend got me interested and I found yours by chance. We do know each other from long ago. Anyway, your words today have a deep meaning for me!! Thanks you Barb and thank you Lord!!! Peg
this was a great lesson that we all need to remember. We all have our crosses to bear. Hope you didn't overdo today. It was really hot here. Jan
Hi sweetie. Thank you for this post and message. It was exactly what I needed to hear this morning. You are a blessing! Luv~Betty
How true!
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