Oh my.... I had to laugh.... A sweet Gal, from Wisconsin called, we had met at Gold Rush, she and her husband had bought a darling cupboard from me... After measuring, she decided, another cupboard I had at the show, would also work... and wants to pick it up, when they come to the Memorial Day Weekend Sale, in 2 weeks... She also inquired about the Early Walnut Harvest Table, I had at the show... I told them, if I didn't already have the most wonderful, gnarly, early Iowa table, in my home, this one would be movin' in... She said she was pretty sure she wanted the table... If I would put it in my own home, it must be great! { I had it buried with stuff at Gold Rush... You really couldn't see it} I had to chuckle... She doesn't know me very well... I love things that are very, very old... I dismiss, a lot of flaws... In fact... I find them charming... and soulful... The gnarlier, the better... So, I told her I would put a few images on, of the Walnut Harvest Table, and if she still wasn't sure, she'd better wait, until she sees it in person... I would rather have her not get it, than commit to it, and be unhappy...{ and not love it, as I do...} Normally I would hold it for her... But during 'sale' time, folks are traveling long distances, and if everything is on hold, I'd have some pretty unhappy folks... I put an image of the old table we use, in the house on... I have written about it, a long time ago... I think it was titled," The Gnarly Old Table, Only Me and Harold Could Love"... { April '09} Well, there are a few more, in the world, like us, who would love it too... I have had collectors, want so much, to see our house... I assure them, they really won't be impressed... I buy what I personally love.. What has lived a colorful life, and has many bruises and scars, to prove it... Just like me... Perfection, well, that's a myth... I choose to look 'perfection' in the eye, and call it what it is... Nondescript and boring... ultimately, a sheltered thing... how sad... Let me be surrounded by people and things, that have enjoyed life, with all of it's ups and downs and battle scars, well, those deserving treasures... are always welcome here...
I'm off to Bloomington, in the morn... I can tell you already...It's going to be an Amazing Journey...
I'll keep you posted... Have a Wonderful Saturday!
Barb C.
{ A Special Prayer goes out to The Rawson Family... Tom's Father passed away, this week...Our Prayers are with You, and Your Family... }
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