Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Left The Boys to Load... I'm Gathering for the SALE!

{Tonight's Load...oh my... Great Stuff....I had to sneak away, to get it... But... I'm pretty good at 'slippin out the back door'...Sorry, Boys...} I felt pretty guilty, leaving the Boys, to finish loading their treasures, { I helped as long as I could... Carolyn A. and John, helped before the Boys got here, and we annihilated the store... Got everything out, that is sold, { and needs to be picked up, by their new owners... needed space!} and I'm fillin'er back up again!} The Sale is just a week and a half away... And.... as God as my Witness..... I will have the Store and Grounds, overflowing with the Gnarliest Stuff EVER!!!! { I may not recognize a single familiar Soul, during 'Sale Time'... { and my friends already know this... When I'm running on fumes.... I smile.... and nod....}Was on the phone, at 6:30 this morn, with one of my Favorite Folk, who always has great stuff, at Great Prices! He's a hundred and fifty mile journey, and didn't get home 'til 6:30, this eve.. But we worked hard, and I came home with two amazing cupboards,{ massive, in stature} a great showcase base, and a gaggle of vintage metal lawn chairs!{ among, other little treasures!} I have been hording some fun stuff... now, I just have to have the hours, to throw it all into place! Peg assured me... "No Worries"... and at this moment... I believe her! I have wind at my back, friends, at my side, and Great Stuff! It's All Good! I'm helping the Boy's, with last minute loading, tomorrow, then we will say our good-byes... and I'll be heartbroken.... for a minute, or two... { I truly Love these Boys...} Then, the Sale will take precedence, and I'll Crank it up, a Notch! The Fun, NEVER ENDS!!! Can't wait to bring it all together! Barb C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited I can hardly sit still! Keep those friends close and just feel the good energy!