Tuesday, March 20, 2012


As I was frantically...plowing through my purse...searching for a business card...with a phone number on it...I ran across this, unopened greeting card....I thought....'where did this come from?'...as I opened it...I remembered, Allyson had handed it to me...as I bailed in her car...headed for the UNI DOME show...and I stuffed it in my purse...as we commenced to visiting...
Then..as you know...I have been at a Dead Run...ever since!
I opened it... this afternoon...and my Heart...Melted....
Allyson..was thanking me....for a little gift, I had found her...on one of my travels...
It Made...My...Day...
She has been...such a 'Gift'...in my Life...
I truly...am blessed...
I have struggled...for so...very long...... not knowing...who my True 'Friends'....are...{ I felt...I couldn't trust anyone...mostly...myself...a very...very...lonely place to find, one's self...}
but...one...by one.... The Lord... has made them Shine...just like there is a Huge...Spot Light...on them...
Allyson...never needed a Spot Light....There has never...been a moments doubt...
Thanks...My Sweetest...Pea...
I do...Love You So...
Barb C.
{a Dear Friend...once said, to me..."At the End...of your Days....if...you can count, Five True Friends.... in your Lifetime....You are a Very Rich Person".....
I Am...a Very...Very...Rich...Person....Indeed...}

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