Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Beautiful People.

Was up... early, early... this morning.
It's an Incredible Morning.
Sat outside... under John's Old Oak... 
sippin' Coffee, watching the steam roll off of it.
First time... this year.
{Won't be many of 'these' days... left.}

Didn't even bother to get dressed. Wore my old... old... men's flannel bath robe...
miss matched socks... figured I'd scare most anyone away, who decided to visit before 7 a.m.
: )
{did wash my face, and brush my hair... just in case. : ) }

Miss. Peanut... enjoyed basking in the early morning rays.
: )


It's lovely... here, before the Highway gets rollin'.


Friend, Pam... shared the above with me a long time ago.
: )
Truer words were never written.
I've sure been Blessed, to have had... and to Have...
some 'Beautiful'... People, cross my path, for sure.
<3 <3 <3 

Sure have been thinking a lot... about Our... Peg.
Mary Sellon, too.
Wrote a long post, yesterday... then, deleted it all.
: (
{Fell down a 'Rabbit Hole', that wasn't so good. : ( }

Posted about the wonderful Tomato Refrigerator Relish.... I threw together, yesterday.
: )
The Tomatoes... from The Farm Gal, are Outstanding!!

Working on the yard, today.
Cutting Brush.
Wanted to get some of that done, yesterday... but, couldn't make it happen.
Have to start preparing for The Fall Harvest Sale.
{October 3 - 6 }
Want to get Every Building OPEN, this Fall.
{oh... dear. }

May not get much done... here, today... either.
Received a text, a little after 6 a.m., concerning a Dear Friend, that was taken to the hospital, this morning.
Waiting for an update.
I've been very concerned about my Friend.

Better get crackin'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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