Thursday, September 19, 2024

Shifting Gears.

Time is Marching On... 

I've been in such a downward spiral... for so long, oh my.
I've got to Pull The Nose of this little Plane, UP... UP... UP!!
: )
{Dad... taught himself how to 'Fly', after purchasing an Aeronca Champ, in the late 1940's, or early... 50's.
; )
I wasn't there... but, have heard The Stories.
: )
Dad... was Quite a 'Pilot'. ; ) }

HUGE Fall Harvest Sale... Here, 
October 5 thru 13.
Stay Tuned for Many Updates about That.
Bill is cleaning out Several 'Estate' Storage Units.
It's Comin' HERE.
oh my.
Big... Big... Big...
{Many... are Bringing 'Much'. Oh... Dear. ; ) }

I... agreed to set up at The Midwest Antique & Art and Collector's Eye, Show...
September 29.
They had a spot... that a longtime Vendor couldn't fill... this time, Thom, and Cathy...
offered it to me, a few days ago.
At first... I said no, because it's gonna Take Every Ounce of Energy I've got...
{and a Bunch... I 'Don't Got'... : ) }
to Pull The Rabbit Hole, Buildings... and Lawn, up on Their Feet.
Thom, and Cathy... have never Once turned me down, when I needed their help.
What a Great Event... The Midwest Show Is!!
: )
I can Advertise The Fall Harvest Sale... there, as well....
it'll be GREAT!!
; )

Picked up the above... Mid Century Patio Set, yesterday.

The Ford... had been down, since Gold Rush.
{You'll hear all about That, when I can get that Gold Rush Post... done. What a Ride.}
The Boys got him on his Wheels.... last week.
yesterday, before taking him on a long journey, to pick up the set...
I heard a noise.
: (
Turned out one of the pulley's The Boys had replaced was faulty.
It was cracked from the factory.
So... they ordered a new one, Justin 'J', put it on... and away I went.
: )
Stopped to get fuel, at the Fairfax Casey's... and grab Pizza, for Justin...
as I pulled the gas nozzle from The Ford, noticed a puddle of brake fluid, by The Ford's rear tire.
Climbed under it...
Blew a brake line.
: (
{Grateful... it 'blew' there. <3}
oh my.
: )

I was supposed to have picked up that set, a week ago.
Contacted the Sweet Gal, Just... as I was heading to get fuel, letting her know that I was on my way.
: (

Called Pal, Dale.
; )
Asked him what he had on his plate... for the day.
He was going to mow...
but, sounded pretty Happy to have an excuse, not too.
; )

Dale and I ran up North, picked up the set... and a few other Patio pieces, then...
we stopped at one of his Favorite Diner's... and I got his Lunch.
; )

Oh... my.
; )
So MUCH... is Swirlin'.
Sometimes... it just seems, if anything can go wrong, it most certainly...

One Day at A Time.
: )

Heading down The Rabbit Hole, today.
Much... to get done, there.
I'm Ready to Hide in It's Shelter, for a bit.
<3 <3 <3 
It's not 'work'... there.
It's... Much Needed Shelter!!


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Please keep Renate in your Prayers... and, All... who are suffering.}

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