Thursday, September 26, 2024

Merry Christmas... Baby.

Spent the day, yesterday... going through totes, and diggin' through The Fuso.
That's a Trick.
; )
The Fuso's back door is a Mess. Can only roll it up about 18 inches.
{Have people looking for a replacement, to no avail. : ( }

Little Justin, me... and Gizzy.... shimmied inside the back door, and with our phone lights, I dug...and sorted.
; )

Gizzy LOVES The Fuso!! He didn't want to get out!!
{He'd jump out... when Justin did, but... then shimmied right back in again... when he returned. <3 }
Justin and I... got two cupboard's unloaded, and several totes.
Rugs... and much More.
; )
Trying to pull my thoughts together for The Midwest Show, this Sunday.
I'm thinkin'....
 may be takin' a Bunch of Vintage Christmas, among... many Other Things.
; )
{ahhhhhhhh 'Christmas'. <3 <3 <3 }
{ ANY Excuse... to Play 'Merry Christmas... Baby', by Elvis. }
; ) ; ) ; ) 

Picked up a HUGE Load... of Vintage Christmas, this evening.
A Dear... Friend, has been saving it back for me.
Above... is a teeny... tiny... snippet.
: )
Think I'm gonna do The Gazebo All In Vintage Christmas, for The Fall Harvest Sale.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

It's been Incredibly Dry... for weeks, so...  been doing a Lot of Watering.
The Herbs.... are going to seed, they look mighty leggy, but... noticed yesterday...
 how MUCH The Bees are Lovin' on Them!!




The 24th. was Sister, Merry Jo's... Birthday.
; )
Out of 7 of us 'Kids' between Mom, and Dad, and their previous Spouses,
it's just me... and Merry Jo, left.
: (
We are the closest in age.
Merry is 9 years older than me... I, am 'The Baby'.
: )
I'm 'the only'... 'the baby', 'the oldest'...and 'the youngest'.
: )
Long...long, story.
; )

Out of 4 Sisters... and 2 Brothers...
{Some... would describe Them as 'Half' Brothers, and Sisters.
: )
They... were All 'Whole'... to me. <3 }

Sister... Chery, and I were the closest.
Chery was 21 years older than me... but, you'd never know it.
; )
We were Tight.
Chery, sadly... passed away in 2003.

Lost my other siblings... over the last few years.
it's just me, and Merry Jo.

Merry and I, have always had an 'interesting' relationship.
; )
 Merry, Dearly...
 it's probably a good thing we've been separated by a couple thousand miles... for the last, nearly 50 years.

I remember... decades ago...
while shopping with Mom, we were searching for Birthday cards, for Chery.
Chery's Birthday... was April, 29.
My Birthday... is May, 6. 
 Used to joke... that Sister Chery, and me were only 7 days apart.
: ) <3 
{and... 21 years. ; )}

Ran across a Wonderful Birthday Card... that I Had to show Mom.
: )
Told Mom... "This is NOT... a card for Chery, but... Oh My Gosh!!!
 It Fits me and Merry Jo, to a 'T'."
: ) : ) : )
The card had two 'Girlie'... Pink Flamingo Caricatures, sitting at a sweet little table, sippin' tea, on the cover.
One Flamingo... said to the other, 
"Remember Sister.... when all we ever used to do... was argue over the littlest things???"
when you open the card...
The Pink Flamingo, was Yelling... to the other....
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN.... " NO???!!!"
; )

Oh Yeah!!!
Perfect.... Card, for Merry Jo.
: )

Merry called me, on my Birthday... that year.
{We always call each other, or touch base, on our Birthdays. <3}
I was laughing... while sharing the gist of 'the card' I'd found.... while searching for Chery's... with Mom, the week prior.
Merry Jo, wasn't laughing.
: (
{uh... oh. }

Merry said.... "Barbie, your card went out a little late, this year. 
You should be receiving it, today... or tomorrow.
It's the card you just described to me."

: / : / : /

We figured... Merry was reading that card, nearly the exact Day, and time... I was showing it to Mom.
Us... in Iowa.
Merry Jo, in Washington State.
; )

Still have that card, somewhere. 
: )

What made me think of it, again... yesterday....
Merry Jo swore, the above picture... I shared with her this Birthday...
was of Mom, and not her, with our horse... Mister.
: )
 is mistaken.
; )

Bless Her Heart.

Happy Birthday, Merry Jo.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for ALL.

Barb C.

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