Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thank God... for the 'Winks'. ; )

: ) 

Bud's Family... picked Beautiful Flowers, from Bud's Garden at the shop...
in Amana,
{Renate's Antique Gallery}
then gathered several...Old Gnarly Containers from the Shop... 
to place them in...
at The Church.
Loved seeing Bud's handwritten tags, on some of them.

Pal, Dale... called at 7 a.m., yesterday morning... 
wondering where I was.
He... was at The Church.
I... was still in bed.

We'd both decided to get to Bud's Funeral very early, because we knew there was going to be a Crowd.
like so many...
I've really been struggling with Bud's sudden passing.

My eyes popped open at 3:30 a.m., yesterday morning...
realizing I'd sent a document off... Monday, with the wrong date.
: (
 think, I dated it 8/16/24...
instead of 9/16.
I know very Well... we're in September, 
not quite Sure 'How'.... we got here so Fast...tho.
: (
{and... Why, do I catch those missteps... at 3:30 a.m.??? GADS!!}

Couldn't go back to sleep.
Couldn't get up...
: (

Told Dale, I'd be there... about 8:30.
: )
{Visitation started at 9.}
Dear Friend, Patti... called, she, too... was wondering when I was heading to The Church.
: )
Met them both... there, at 8.
: )

It was Such a Beautiful Morning.
There was a young Man... watering all of the Plants, and Flowers... when I walked up to The Church.
{Patti, and Dale... wanted to wait in their vehicles. : ) }
As I watched the young Man... for a split second, I thought he was Bud.
Oh My Gosh!!!
Same Build.
Same... Stride.
oh my.
: )
When he noticed me... standing beside The Church doors, he walked up.
: )
Told him How MUCH... I Loved The Floral Arrangements, and...
'He'... Had to Be a 'Shulte'.
: )
: )

Bud's Nephew.

We visited for quite a while, swapping 'Bud' Stories.
: )
The 'Love Story' of Bud...and Renate.
<3 <3

Pal, Steph... made it to the Visitation, but had to get to work.
She's moving her Store to her Mom's {Patti} Store, Fern Hill, in South Amana.
HUGE Job!!

Bud and Renate Love Steph.
Those 'Artists'... 'Understand' each other.
Steph took images of Bud's Zinnia's. Steph creates Fabric from her Original Paintings.
Many... are Floral Paintings.
{Stephanie Brandenburg Studios}
Bud... would be Pleased.


The Church....
It... was also....
No empty pews.
Bud... was Much LOVED.

The Entire Service, was Perfect.

The Priest... was Perfect.
Young... Handsome, and had an Amazing Voice.
: )
{He... kinda reminded me of Bud, when I first met him... decades ago. : )}

We... 'Antique Folks' were sitting very close to the front.... ; )
I noticed the Priest drop, to one knee, behind the Altar, as we were all in the middle of 'Song'.
 I'm not Catholic, so... wasn't familiar with all of the traditions...
figured the Priest was performing a Prayer...
I saw him tying his shoelace.
: ) : ) : )
I Nearly... 
Threw My Hands In The Air...
 and Shouted...
 "Praise God!! Bud... I KNOW You're HERE!!"
<3 <3 <3 
; ) ; ) ; )

Bud... was ALWAYS Movin' So Fast, even His Shoelaces Couldn't Keep Up!!
; )
How Many Times, have I seen Bud, drop to one knee, and Tie... his shoelaces.
: )
Big 'Wink'.
; )

St. Michael's Cemetery, in Norway....
is Beautiful.
Pal's Bill, and Jacey....{ A Beautiful Purpose, West Branch, Iowa. } 
climbed in with me, and Dale... we shared the ride to the cemetery.
: )

Told them all, before we leave, I'd like to check out The Beautiful Shrine, above.

After Bud's Interment... found my way there.
: )
Jacey, was already there.
: )

We both stood there, taking in the Soulfulness, turned around...
and, there... stood the young, Wonderful...
that I was Certain, Bud... had Hand Selected.
: )

The Priest asked us if we were 'Family'.
Jacey replied, "Yes... 'Antique' Family."
: )
I, agreed. <3
went a bit further.
: )
Told the Priest, we're Definitely 'Family'.
I... call us kind of a 'Mafia'... Crew.
: )
Once You're 'In'... There Ain't No Gettin' Out... ; )
Oh... My!!
We tend to 'Protect' each other.
: )
Like Bud, the Priest had a Wonderful Sense of Humor!!
; )

Told the Priest... I was Certain, He... and Bud, were Close!!
the Priest said something, I... truly didn't expect.
He, said... he really didn't have the opportunity to get to 'Know' Bud.
They'd just met, when Bud became so suddenly ill.
He said... Bud, usually attended the Fairfax Catholic Church.

I... nearly.... Fell Over.

That Priest, and Budwardo... were Cut From The Same Cloth.
: )
I... Couldn't IMAGINE another Priest, handling Bud's services.
; )

We talked for quite a while, I filled the Priest in... on Bud, Renate... their Amazing Store, and... that HE Must... Visit.
It's Never Looked Better.
It's like... Bud's 'Masterpiece' is finally done.

Thanked the Priest, for his Beautiful Service, and Especially...
dropping to one knee,
Tying His Shoe.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.


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