Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day... To ALL Of The Hard Working, Who Never... get 'This Day', or... many days off.

Was up at 4, this morning...
finishing up the Amazing Tomatoes... I'd purchased from The Farmer Gal, last week.
: )
Made arrangements to pick up another 12 pounds, from her... early this morning.
: )

We had another... Lovely... Long, Long... chat, this morning.
: )
The Farmer Gal... can't figure out the Fairfax/IDOT BS, and...
I can't figure out The BS, she, and her Family... have been delt, either.
: (
I Admire The Farmer Gal, for Having a Voice.
'We' American's... All... Have One, 
Thanks to Our Constitution.
; )
We Must... in my opinion...
Pay Attention, and... USE IT!! 
: ) <3

Pal, Rhonda... posted the above, several years ago.

When me, and Jethro... pulled in, at Home, a bit ago...
a HUNDRED, or More...
little Sparrow's were sitting in Jethro's space, on the Horrible Drive, IDOT District 6...
left us with, after their 2018 Condemnation of our land... for Fairfax's 'Bike Trail'.
: )
{bless their hearts}

It was Amazing... to Watch Them Fly... 
all around us.
: )

{Ya had to 'be' here. ; ) Trust me, That... was an Amazing Sight.}

a 2019... 'memory'. 
: )

some things...
never, ever...
; )

Wishing All of The Hard...
Happy Labor Day!!
; )

{I Know... 'YOU' Are All Most Likely... WORKING 'Today', and Do...  Every 'Labor Day'.
Hope... YOU... 'Americans'  Are Being Paid Dearly... Today, For Your Sacrifices. }

Thank You.

<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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