Wednesday, September 4, 2024

'And In Our Dreams... Oh What We See'.

; )

Above... is a Beautiful Gourd, Our Peg...
'The Mad March Hare'
Created for
 'The Mad Hatter', in 2010... after I shared Quite a Dream... I'd had, with her.
: )
oh... my.
: )

In that Dream... I was attending an Amazing Farm Auction.
: )
A Tom Sandersfeld Auction.
; )

I was Beyond... Excited, at that Auction.
There was UNBELIEVABLE Primitives... there. 
{in my Dream}
: )
the Bad News....
Every Single Time... I tried to speak, or 'Bid'... on an item...
some of my teeth would fall out.
It was like my mouth was Filled with Gravel.
: ( : ( : (
WHERE Does 'THAT' Kinda 'Sh!t... Come From???

Peg ROARED... when I shared That... Dream, with her, then...
Surprised me with the Beautiful 'Dream Gourd'.
<3 <3 <3 

{Peg... 'Stole' the above Necklace out of my Stash, I'd set aside... at a Sale, here... that Pal, Bart...
 had brought.
I... Couldn't Understand... Where... That Necklace had Gone, when I went to pay for it.
Peg SWORE Everyone to Silence, at The Money Table, where I set my 'stash'.
: )
They All had to Lie to Me, as I was LOSING my Mind... Frantically...
 Searching for That Amazing Necklace!!! 

Peg... later, said... She 'Had' to Have 'That' Necklace... 
when she saw me it set aside... 
for The 'Dream Gourd', because the tiny Hearts, and Moons reminded Peg... of 'Teeth'!!!
<3 <3 <3 

I've been having some VERY... Vivid Dreams, recently.
They Seem So Real, sometimes... when I wake up... wonder, if... I was actually sleeping.


The Good News....
They've been Very... Very... Good Dreams.
; )
haven't lost one single tooth, in any of 'em.
; )

Thanks So Much to The Awesome Gents, at The Blairsferry Road AT&T Store...
Oh My Gosh!!!
Grandson, Justin... was having HUGE Issues with a phone, and an AT&T phone card...
he purchased at The Dollar General, two days ago.
{GADS!!!! : ( : ( : ( 
When Purchasing a Phone... in my opinion... Go To a Phone Store!!
; )
not a.... 'dollar general'.
 : (  
The Dollar General... wouldn't let him return, or exchange the unused phone card.
I... get the phone, not being able to be returned... but, the unused card???
: (

The Awesome AT&T Guys... Got Everything Set Up!!
; )
Grandson, Justin... was So Grateful... He Shook Their Hands With a Monster Grip!!
: )
It was a MESS!! Even for The Pros!!
: (

'Phone Stores'...
when purchasing...
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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