Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I'll never forget... when John shared the above... with me, on FB.
; )
John... was being a little... sarcastic, with 'Barbara'. 
: )
{John... was Gifted, to say the very least... with, let's just say....
 A 'dry'... 
and Extremely...
Quick, sense of humor.}
; )

John shared the above... after... we had a bit of a...
well, 'tense' moment.
; )

John had been so ill... fighting what we thought was vertigo... from January... thru, the first part of March, 2014.
 to find out... 
the 'vertigo', John...was suffering so horribly... from, 
wasn't from an inner ear issue, it was from a cancerous tumor on his brain.
{won't 'go there'... today. : ) }

I... pushed John, pretty hard... during that 'journey'.

Oh My Lord....!!! He'd Get So Angry with me...
when... I insisted... he 'walk'... shower.... and... get dressed, daily.
: )
was hurting... so weak... it hurt me... 
Push John, more... than he could've ever known.
: ( : ( : (
I...just knew,
 {thought... I did. : ( }
John didn't keep 'moving', he'd be done.
: (

John... Hated It... when I brushed his hair.
: ( : ( : ( 
{CAREFULLY... So Carefully, Especially... after the surgery.}

Had We All Known...
John, would leave us... on May 25, '14....
Trust Me...
'Things' would've been Much 'Different' around 'Home'.
; )

The Lucky Strike Stogie Smoke... would Still... be Hangin' in The Air.
<3 <3 <3 
{it... kinda, still... is. : ) }

Here's The Deal.

Ain't One of 'Us'... Gettin' Outta 'Here'... 'Alive'. 
; )
We're All... 'terminal', from our Very First Breath.

Life is Short.
We'd Better 'Live' It.
; )

never forget, 
You Don't Require Anyone's Approval, 
Live It.
: )
<3 <3 <3 

{Thanks to John Helm, for posting...
 Jack, and the perfect message. ; ) }

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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